Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1486: 1486: draw a line (2)

The person who appeared suddenly was naturally Miss Jiang family, Jiang Yanran.

Jiang Yanran's expression looks much better than the previous period, her whole face is radiant, and even Ning Huanxin feels that Jiang Yanran's fierce spirit has been reduced a lot. The feeling of her whole person has changed. Now her The breath became a lot softer.

"Hai Xin, you are here."

Seeing Ning Huanxin, Jiang Yanran immediately smiled brightly, walked quickly to Ning Huanxin and sat down while saying hello.

"Miss, your complexion looks good, your injuries are healed?"

Two months ago in the Misty Valley, Jiang Yanran also suffered serious injuries, and now it looks like she should have recovered.

"It's alright."

Jiang Yanran smiled: "Haixin, I heard Brother Can say that Ahang is back, why did he leave you here alone?"

Because Jiang Lixing called Cui Can in the afternoon, Cui Can knew that Jiang Lixing’s whereabouts was not strange, but...

Does Jiang Yanran know?

Could it be that she has been with Choi Chan?

Ning Huanxin blinked, but didn't try to guess the current relationship between Cui Can and Jiang Yanran. After all, it was their personal affair.


In the future, whether it is her or Jiang Lixing, they will have nothing to do with Jiang's family.

"A Xing is upstairs discussing matters with the old man. If nothing happens... From today on, he will draw a clear line with the Jiang family of Yuhaishan and cut off all relations. From then on, your family's affairs will be with A Xing again. No relationship."

Ning Huanxin knew what Jiang Lixing was going to do, and at the same time she specifically said this to Jiang Yanran and Jiang Liran.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Liran on the side immediately widened his eyes with an unbelievable look on his face.

Jiang Yanran was not so surprised, and she didn't even seem surprised at all.

"You and Ahang, you have a broader world, the Jiang family... In fact, he never puts it in his eyes, right?"

Jiang Yanran is already very transparent in seeing things now.

Her voice is very soft, but her tone is very determined——

In Jiang Lixing's eyes, the Jiang family has always been a dispensable existence.

It is a pity that Jiang Yanran didn't understand everything until now.

"Jiang Lixing, he wants to give up the Jiang family?"

Sitting opposite Jiang Liran frowned. After the shock, he fell into his own thoughts.

Seeing Jiang Liran's expression, Jiang Yanran sighed from the side.

"Brother, even if Axing gives up, you are not suitable to inherit the Jiang family. You and I should know this."

"I'm not suitable, are you suitable?"

Jiang Liran suddenly raised his head and retorted. He was really disgusted sometimes, disgusted with Jiang Yanran's superior tone, and her contempt and despise of herself between the lines.

Jiang Liran has done so many things over the years, just hoping that others will respect him and that Jiang's family can see his ability and hard work.

"Some talents are really born, and you... are only suitable for being a dude. In fact, being a dude for a lifetime is not necessarily a good thing."

Jiang Yanran looked at Jiang Liran earnestly: "Of course, if you have to fight for the position of the heir, sister, I will definitely help you, but I will always marry, the future of Jiang’s family... the relationship with me Not too big."

Compared with the illusory rights and family interests, Jiang Yanran has already realized that a man who loves herself deeply and can accompany her for a lifetime and can stand up for herself at the moment of life and death is the most precious.

Easy to get priceless treasures, rare lovers.

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