Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1490: 1490: Global live broadcast conference (3)

At ten o'clock, the press conference was already full. All the invited media people came on time. Seeing that the door of the venue was slowly opened, the reporters in the venue were immediately silent, and everyone's eyes were subconsciously watching one direction. .

At this time, accompanied by Cui Can and Lin Chu, Jiang Lixing was holding Ning Huanxin's hand, and the two slowly appeared in everyone's sight.

Because the styling has been done, and the delicate makeup has been applied, the appearance of two people gives people a very amazing feeling——

One is as handsome as jade, and the other is beautiful and beautiful.

This pair of handsome men and beauties is so seductive!


"Hello everyone, and welcome friends from the media to participate in this media meeting."

As the host of this reception, Cui Can took the lead to greet everyone in the field with a microphone: "Now our protagonist has arrived, and this press conference has officially started! Before the reporter’s question session, our Mr. Jiang Lixing has two very important personal matters to announce to everyone!"

With that, Cui Can put down the microphone in his hand and turned to look at Jiang Lixing who was sitting in the middle.

Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin were already seated at this time, and the seats for the two of them happened to be in the center of the venue, and there was a wheat ready for them.

Jiang Lixing turned on the microphone switch in front of his eyes, and slightly raised his eyes to look around the people in the conference hall for a week. All the reporters who stared at him were horrified, as if he was seen through.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the venue was strangely quiet.

The eyes and cameras of all the reporters gathered on Jiang Lixing's face. No one in the room dared to speak out because Jiang Lixing's aura was really strong.

It was only two or three months away, but everyone could clearly feel that Jiang Lixing's breath was different from before.

He seemed to be more mysterious and colder.

In short, meeting the actor Jiang, any entertainment will instantly become lingering fears.

But at this moment, Jiang Lixing looked around the venue for a week, his eyes cold.

Seemingly satisfied with the performance of everyone, Jiang Lixing looked down slightly, and finally spoke slowly. His voice was very deep and charming: "Thank you all for coming to this press conference. I specially invite you to this press conference. In order to cooperate with Yanjing’s largest live broadcast platform and international live broadcast platform, I also invited major entertainment websites and forums across the country to do graphic live broadcasts. At this moment, the live broadcast of the entire press conference will be simultaneously broadcasted globally!"

Live worldwide!

Hearing Jiang Lixing's words, all the reporters were stunned. This is a big deal!

Let alone an entertainment press conference, even if it is a national event or an international event, few people can live broadcast it globally. The human, material and financial resources required by the audience are huge.

No wonder they discovered the strange layout of the venue when they first came in. All around the venue and even on every reporter's head were all high-definition cameras!

What is Jiang Lixing going to do in such a big scene? Is it just to clarify the scandal?

Even local tyrants can't be so headstrong!

Just when the major reporters were secretly maligning themselves, Jiang Lixing had already spoken again: "Now, I have to solemnly announce two things. The first thing is about my family. I believe many friends know or know a little bit. My background, my family is the Yuhaishan Jiang family. In the eyes of most people, the Jiang family is the top wealthy of Yanjing, and now I have to solemnly announce that from today onwards, I will be Jiang Lixing and Yuhaishan Jiang family. Sever all relations, I hope everyone can be a witness for me!"

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