"Little Junior Sister, after I'm gone, you have to take good care of yourself."

Jian Yunyi watched Ning Huan's low-hearted warning.

"Don't worry, even if she can't take care of herself, I can take care of her well."

Jiang Lixing on the side embraced Ning Huan's heart and whispered seriously.

Jian Yunyi laughed a little: "Yes, yes, you took good care of it."

This time when he came to the mortal world, he didn't have much contact with Ning Huanxin, because he realized that he didn't have his own place by the little junior sister.

Once, she was the big brother of her childhood sweetheart, but she couldn't match the big demon she "saving" in the mortal world.

But now, to her, she is no different from a stranger.

From beginning to end, I couldn't break into her world.

This may be his and her destiny.

"Big brother, are you going back... Immortal Realm?"

Ning Huanxin took a step forward at this time and asked lowly.


Jian Yunyi nodded: "It has been three thousand years. Since the last war, the Three Realms have suffered heavy losses, and now the seals of the year are gradually loosening and invalidating. I believe that soon everyone will break the seal and come out. At that time, I don’t know what is going on?"

Even Ning Huanxin is slowly recovering his memory, Jian Yunyi believes that more people will gradually wake up and gradually recover their memories.

For example, Jian Yunyi intends to find his whereabouts before returning to the fairy world. Now he should have gradually recovered his memory!

Thinking of this, Jian Yunyi suddenly raised his eyes and glanced at Jiang Lixing, then said softly: "If I felt the aura of the Demon Royal Family a few days ago, if the Demon clan provokes war again, what would you do? "

"If others don't bother me, I won't interfere with anyone. The Three Realms Treaty made it clear that no matter how chaotic the fairy and demons are, they can't harm the world."

As he said, Jiang Lixing raised his eyes slightly, and smiled at Jian Yunyi: "Huanxin and I did not belong to the demons, let alone the immortals. We just want to be free in the world."

Don't talk about the battle between the immortals and demons, but the immortals are all dead, what does it have to do with him?

Upon hearing Jiang Lixing's words, Jian Yunyi immediately understood what Jiang Lixing meant.

It seems that he intends to stay out of the matter.

In fact, he made this choice three thousand years ago, but his cultivation base was still a little worse at that time, and now, with his current cultivation base, it is enough to make everyone jealous, and most people really dare not take the initiative to come. Mess with him.

"In this case, I'm relieved, I hope you can be happy."

Jian Yunyi smiled at the two people.

"I'm going back, let's...bye bye!"

With that, Jian Yunyi turned around and left without hesitation, leaving only a slender and chic figure behind.


Seeing Jian Yunyi's back, Ning Huan's eyes flickered, and finally she firmly held Jiang Lixing's hand.

"Ahang, let's go home too."


Jiang Lixing smiled and turned to look at Cui Can in the car. At this time, Cui Can slowly got out of the car, and took out Jiang Lixing's things from the trunk, raised his hand and handed it to him: "Go back, I... …Go to Jiang’s house."

Now that he planned to continue to follow Jiang Lixing, Cui Can also returned to Jiang's Manor to bid farewell to his father.

Let's get together and relax.

"Well, I see, you go."

Jiang Lixing took the thing and waved his hand at Cui Can: "I hope everything goes well for you!"

With that said, Jiang Lixing turned his head and walked into Gu's door with Ning Huanxin.

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