Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1511: 1511: Sealing Spells

Qiao Xuejun kept silent, Jiang Lixing couldn't help but glared at her again: "Those who are silent, can you walk away quietly, you just sit here blocking my sight!"

With that said, Jiang Lixing was about to stand up, he couldn't see Ning Huanxin anymore.

"Hey, don't worry, your attitude is really bad."

Qiao Xuejun glared at Jiang Lixing: "Xuanming told me last night that you and Huanxin...you two are together because of love. Only because of love can you get rid of all the obstacles of identity, and everything you do is for Love her, is that right?"

Qiao Xuejun asked very seriously, and Jiang Lixing, who was on the side, heard her questioning with a black line: "Who has the time to discuss this with you? You are not bored!"

Qiao Xuejun was really sick and had a brain injury.

Seeing Jiang Lixing want to leave, Qiao Xuejun immediately stopped him: "I know you hate me, you think I deliberately sabotage you, in fact, I...I just want to be happy, so you can prove it to me, If you prove to me what love is, I will...I won't do it right with you!"

Jiang Lixing:...

Prove a wool! What's in this woman's head!

Jiang Lixing turned around coldly and stared at Qiao Xuejun's face firmly. Just when Qiao Xuejun thought Jiang Lixing would be a trouble for him suddenly, Jiang Lixing's eyes condensed suddenly, and then he looked at Joe coldly. Xuejun: "Do you really want to know what love is? You don't regret it?"

"No regrets, why do you regret it?"

Qiao Xuejun was a little surprised.


Jiang Lixing raised his hand slightly, and suddenly a black bead appeared in the palm of his hand, and the bead exuded an extremely cold breath.

"After eating this, your mind reading skills and all your mana will be sealed. From today on, you are an ordinary person. Acting well, after you have played this movie, you will naturally know what love is."

"Will you poison me?"

Qiao Xuejun glanced at Jiang Lixing suspiciously. After sealing his cultivation base and spells, can he appreciate the love in the world?

Why is it so mysterious?


"Forget it, since Huanxin believes in you so much, I believe you once, and forgive you for not daring to poison me."

As Qiao Xuejun was talking, she raised her hand and ate the black bead without hesitation. In an instant, Qiao Xuejun felt that she was cold all over. At this moment, the world in front of her was in a daze, and so on. When she came back to her senses, she subconsciously activated her spiritual power, and she had no effect at all.

"Now, can you still read your mind?"

Suddenly Jiang Lixing was on the sidelines and asked schadenly.

Qiao Xuejun:...

This demon is really cunning.

"You didn't trick me into eating it on purpose, did you?"

Qiao Xuejun has always had reservations about Jiang Lixing's character.

Jiang Lixing just smiled meaningfully: "Go make a good movie. After this movie is finished, I will help you lift the seal. Of course, if you don't believe it, I can't help it..."

After that, Jiang Lixing had left quickly. The location was not good. He decided to go closer to watch Ning Huanxin's acting. He could take the opportunity to help her take some beautiful stills.

After the movie is over?

Isn't it the time of a movie?

Qiao Xuejun looked down at her hand, and now she felt very relaxed, because she didn't have to worry about when she unconsciously used spiritual power, heard other people's voices, and knew things she shouldn't know.

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