Shen Xue had been thinking about something with her brows furrowed along the way, trying to find some clues, and soon the two of them arrived in Han Jing's community.

"Han Jing, your eldest brother is on holiday too, right?"

After walking into the community, Shen Xue suddenly recovered and asked Ning Huanxin.

"Well, yes, he was still at home when I left in the afternoon."

Ning Huan replied in a low voice, wondering why Shen Xue suddenly asked Han Yu.

"That's great."

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s answer, Shen Xue seemed very excited: “Isn’t your brother practicing medicine in the criminal police team? Can he get the post-mortem report of Ruan Qingqing and Yao Rui?”

Ning Huanxin:...

My eldest brother is a forensic doctor?

This setting is awesome, and the female ghost can really play.

It seems that some of this world is really playing, and the movie plot king can wash and sleep.

"Oh, I will ask him when I go home later."

Ning Huanxin finally found the Han family according to her memory while walking. Fortunately, she has a good memory!

Speaking of which, in this world, all people have memories, their own backgrounds and personal settings, and only Ning Huanxin is alone with his own memories, which is incompatible with this world.

She always feels that something is wrong, so she must be cautious every minute, every second, every word and deed.

"Okay, I'm home."

Ning Huanxin walked to the door of the house and knocked on the door: "Brother, we are back."

Soon, there were footsteps in the room. Han Yu slowly opened the door. He was still wearing a house suit. Seeing Shen Xue behind Ning Huan's heart, Han Yu couldn't help but nodded at her: "Shen Xue , You are here, come in and sit down."

"Well, Brother Yu, you are resting today. It's rare to see you at home."

Shen Xue smiled at Han Yu slightly; "I was very lucky today. I just have something to ask for your help."


Hearing Shen Xue's words, Han Yu raised his eyes and glanced at her with a confident face: "Is the detective investigating another case and asking me to help?"

"Brother, you are so smart."

Ning Huanxin silently praised.

Han Yu raised his eyebrows and suddenly turned and left: "Wait for me."

While talking, he had already turned around and returned to his bedroom. It didn’t take long for him to take out a portfolio from the bedroom: “Hey, I’m all ready, or let me prepare it quietly. She walked too fast today. There was no time to give it to her."

"Han Jing, what did you ask Brother Yu to prepare?"

Hearing Han Yu's words, Shen Xue immediately turned her head in doubt and looked at Ning Huanxin in front of her.

Why didn't Han Jing tell herself about this?


Ning Huan's heart remained calm, and the ghost knew what Han Jing asked Han Yu to prepare!

"I just want to surprise you! Haha."

Fortunately, Ning Huanxin reacted quickly and there was no flaw at all. She grinned and snatched the portfolio in Han Yu's hand: "Hey, open it up and have a look, I guarantee it is what you want!"


Shen Xue nodded, she quickly opened the portfolio, and soon several reports appeared in front of her.

this is……

Autopsy report of Yao Rui and Ruan Qingqing!

"Brother Yu, you are so amazing! You can get the report for so long!"

Shen Xue immediately raised her eyebrows, and at this time she had not forgotten to praise Han Yu.

"Because I am a forensic doctor, I have a bit of advantage. I filed a report with the director and said to look for some old autopsy reports, and the director immediately approved it."

Han Yu always looked indifferent: "By the way, Shen Xue, Jingjing, what are you doing looking for the files of this case?"

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