Ouyang Ling subconsciously protected Shen Xue at a critical moment. As a result, he was stabbed in the back by the ghost sting of a female ghost. For a moment, blood dripped.

At this time, Ning Huanxin had already rushed over in a flash, fighting with the female ghost, without using spiritual power, and Ning Huanxin did not fall into the wind, and her Nine Yang bloodline made the female ghost jealous and did not dare to approach. Body attack.

"You take Ouyang Ling and Xiaoxue first!"

Seeing the Ye Family brothers rushing over, Ning Huanxin immediately shouted.

Ye Xing and Ye Chen immediately supported Ouyang Ling and pulled Shen Xue back quickly.

"Han Jing!"

Shen Xue turned to look at Ning Huanxin, hesitating in her footsteps.

"I'm fine, you guys go quickly, go downstairs quickly, leave school, don't look back!"

Ning Huanxin could feel that the whole teaching building and even the college was full of evil spirits, and it was already very unsafe.

It's really not a funny thing to attract ghosts at midnight.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's seriousness, Shen Xue nodded immediately: "I see, we are going, Han Jing, you must be careful."

This time is not a time to linger, Shen Xue believes in Ning Huanxin, and at the same time, she also knows that she should be obedient at this moment and not drag her companions!

Seeing that the four people had left the rooftop through the gate, Ning Huanxin was relieved and turned to stare at the female ghost in front of him: "You evil ghost, you have a lot of appetite, but today you really have no luck. , I advise you to go back and forth wherever you go, lest you lose your soul."

Ning Huanxin was still very calm at this time, and the female ghost had already had a terrifying face, with her mouth wide open, her dark eyes staring at Ning Huanxin, looking terrible.


The female ghost made a strange and sharp chuckle, and her figure moved, and the whole figure rushed towards Ning Huanxin. Even though she knew that Ning Huanxin's body was very yang energy, she still had no hesitation.

Ning Huan's gaze condensed. This female ghost didn't look like that kind of high-level and high-IQ ghost, but instead seemed to be controlled by something, could it be...

"Be careful!"

At this moment, a slender figure suddenly fell from the sky. The man blocked the female ghost's attack, and then turned Ning Huanxin back and ran toward the entrance gate of the rooftop.

Ning Huanxin's mood at this time was a little delicate.

Because the hand holding her is very cold, not like a human hand.

The two ran all the way, and ran to the first floor of the teaching building in one breath. After coming out of the door, Ning Huanxin was stunned.

Shen Xue and the others had long since disappeared. At this time, there were a lot of people at the entrance of the teaching building, and there were countless people walking around.

No, maybe it is more appropriate to call them ghosts.

"Follow me and keep silent."

The man on the side pulled Ning Huanxin's sleeves hard, and walked forward slowly, with steady steps.

"Hello Professor!"

When the students around saw the man's figure, they subconsciously greeted him.


Ning Huan moved her heart, quietly raised her eyes, and turned her face slightly to see the man's side face.

The man is young and his facial features are very handsome. Although he can only see the profile, Ning Huanxin has recognized it. At this time, the person holding him is Professor Yao Rui, who died twenty years ago!

The roof attracts ghosts, not only the vicious female ghosts, but also the countless souls inhabiting the campus, but also Yao Rui!

This harvest is really scary. Is everything still Ruan Qingqing's masterpiece?

Ning Huan's thoughts turned and she still followed Yao Rui silently. Yao Rui stopped until she left the teaching building and came to the lake not far in front of the teaching building.

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