"Ms. Qin, I am really just a college student."

Ning Huanxin looked at Teacher Qin with a sincere expression: "However, I am more curious about Yao Rui's affairs. I want to know the truth 20 years ago."

Ning Huanxin didn't mean anything, but straight to the point.

She feels like she is in a certain stand-alone game now, and the teacher Qin in front of her is an NPC set by the system. If she wants to draw something from her, she must simply and directly say herself the goal of.

Sure enough, upon hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Teacher Qin's eyes and expressions were changing rapidly, but she didn't avoid anything, but raised her eyes and stared at Ning Huanxin closely.

"I know that in your life, don't do anything wrong."

Muttering to himself, Teacher Qin suddenly stood up tremblingly.

"Teacher, what are you going to do, I will help you!"

Ning Huanxin stood up and held Teacher Qin.

And Teacher Qin just smiled at her: "I'm fine. There are many people in our community who are older than me, but they are in better health than me. I know that this is my retribution."

Teacher Qin walked forward while whispering: "I have been sick for a long time, and my body is not as good as before. I know that I will not live long. I originally wanted to bring the secret of the year to the coffin, but... since you are here , Maybe this is the arrangement of fate, I will tell you everything."

At this time, Teacher Qin had already walked to a low cabinet. She opened the drawer of the cabinet and took out a photo album from it. It was an old photo album from decades ago, but it was well protected by the owner.

After finding the album, Teacher Qin seemed very happy. With Ning Huanxin’s support, the two of them sat back on the sofa. Teacher Qin slowly opened the album. It contained all her photos from many years ago. There are photos when I was just working, and there are many photos with other teachers in school.

Teacher Qin flipped through it, and then turned to a certain photo, and the action stopped.

Ning Huanxin glanced down and found that it was a group photo. In the group photo, there was a middle-aged woman with a brilliant smile. Next to her stood a handsome young man, that young man was Yao Rui.

"I am much older than Yao Rui, but we have always known each other. It can be said that I watched him grow up. He is actually a very enthusiastic and kind-hearted child. Yao Rui had a very good academic performance in high school. He didn't have any enthusiasm or hobbies at all, but for his father's preferences, he still applied for medical-related majors, and finally he was admitted to a foreign university with exceptional grades."

Speaking of this, Teacher Qin smiled.

"At that time, Yao Rui was the pride of our community. He was a child of someone else's family. The teachers in the community always couldn't do without the first words of educating their children-you look at Yao Rui... hey , Who knows, later..."

Having said this, Teacher Qin's face immediately changed.

"Teacher Qin, it seems that you and Yao Rui are very close, so...you must know a lot of things that others don't know, right? What is the relationship between Yao Rui and Ruan Qingqing? The death of Yao Rui and Ruan Qingqing, is it different? Insider?"

Ning Huanxin asked several questions in a row, and Teacher Qin took a deep breath, raised his hand, gently stroked the old photo, and slowly nodded.

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