What Ruan Qingqing said to Yao Rui on the rooftop before his death might have been known to only Yao Rui and Ruan Qingqing.

However, who would have thought that Yao Rui told Teacher Qin everything about him?

When I recalled this, Teacher Qin's expression became even more ugly.

"What did Ruan Qingqing say to Yao Rui on the rooftop?"

Ning Huan asked anxiously.

"Ruan Qingqing said to Yao Rui...she said she lied. Someone forced her to lie and framed Yao Rui. Originally, she thought that by doing what that person said, she would be able to keep everything and her studies. , She can even get a very rich return, but unfortunately... she was deceived in the end. That person lied to her, and now she has no use value, the person naturally does not want to care about her, but also She was expelled from school."

Ning Huanxin frowned slightly when he heard Teacher Qin's words.

who's that person?

Why does he threaten Ruan Qingqing? Isn't he... he is from the school?

"Ms. Qin, is it..."

Ning Huanxin had her own guesses, but did not dare to jump to a conclusion.

"Yes, the truth is just like you guessed. Someone used his power to lure and confuse Ruan Qingqing, and when that person knew that Yao Rui wanted to help Ruan Qingqing, he took the opportunity to threaten to use Ruan Qingqing to make her The purpose of stinking Yao Rui's reputation is naturally because Yao Rui has become too popular and has begun to threaten the status and interests of some people."

Where there are people, there are conflicts of interest and intrigue.

Teacher Qin raised his eyes and looked at Ning Huanxin deeply: "Yao Rui told me everything because he believed me and he did not hide anything from me, but I failed his trust. When I doubted him, when I questioned him, I should have stood up to speak for him, but... I didn’t, because I didn’t dare, I flinched. I didn’t have a high degree of education, and my teaching level was average. At that time, my children I was in middle school and needed money very much. My husband’s job was not stable. I didn’t dare to take risks. I couldn’t lose my job. Therefore, I kept silent. I didn’t expect... not long after that, Yao Rui died too. The doctor said that he had thoughts of suicide because he was severely depressed. In the final analysis, it was all because of the rumors. And after his death, I didn’t dare to tell others what he told me at the beginning. I can only treat it as myself. I don’t know, pretend I have forgotten everything, but... how can I really forget? After Yao Rui died, his parents soon became ill, very sick, and the burden of the whole family fell on his sister. On people’s shoulders, because they couldn’t afford to pay the huge amount of medical expenses, their family sold their houses, and the Yao family also left the family building. What happened to them? No one knows. I tried to find and contact them. , It’s a pity that I have achieved nothing so far."

Feeling guilty is particularly bad. Teacher Qin has been living in self-blame all these years. He has dreamed of Yao Rui many late at night, dreaming that he came to him with blood and asked himself why he couldn’t pull him. One hand, can't help him.

"That day, you suddenly came to the community with a picture of Yao Rui back then. The first time I saw the picture, I was really shocked. At that time, I felt very scared."

Teacher Qin suddenly sighed and shook his head: "I don't even say you don't do bad things, and you're not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. This person really can't do bad things."

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