What caused ghosts on the rooftop?

Hearing Ning Huanxin's question, Shen Xue was taken aback, and after a while she nodded subconsciously: "I remember, what's wrong?"

"Are you sure you remember everything? Do you remember how you got to school? Do you remember how the game ended? How did we leave after it was over?"

Ning Huanxin asked several questions in a row.

She was sure that whether it was she or Shen Xue or the others, there were always some people whose memories were false and some were real.

And false memories must have various flaws!


Hearing Ning Huanxin’s question, Shen Xue was stunned.

That day, I was at Han Jing's house, I set an alarm clock with her, and planned to sneak away in the middle of the night, and then...

"I... Why don't I seem to remember? That memory is so vague, I just vaguely remember that we went to school and played a ghost game, but got nothing."

Shen Xue's voice was a little confused and uncertain.

"No, we didn't get nothing, all of us, hell!"

Ning Huanxin said with great certainty: "The reason why you don't remember, or even your memory is blurred, is because you were tampered with by the female ghost. In fact, that night, I..."

Ning Huanxin said exactly what happened that night, including Ouyang Ling who saved his life to save Shen Xue, separated from them, and met Yao Rui's ghost.

Ning Huanxin told Shen Xue about all this.

"There is such a thing!"

After listening to Ning Huanxin’s narration, Shen Xue was silent for a moment before she spoke again with a shocked expression: "So... my vague memories are because I have never experienced them at all, so the impression is vague?"


Ning Huan nodded earnestly: "Xiaoxue, I don't know if what I experienced is real, but I remember it very clearly, but you all forgot about that night. I even called Ouyang Ling to confirm later. After that, I don’t know if it’s my problem or yours. So before the start of school, I haven’t contacted you, nor did I tell anyone that I’m still investigating this case secretly, and I found out afterwards. Thing."

Ning Huanxin told Shen Meng all the news she had received from Teacher Qin.

Ruan Qingqing's suicide, Yao Rui's suicide.

"Are they really all suicide?"

Shen Xue was stunned for a while, then suddenly looked at Ning Huanxin with her eyes flashing: "Han Jing, do you believe they all committed suicide?"

"I do not believe."

Ning Huanxin smiled slightly: "Maybe Teacher Qin didn't lie, because everything she knew was Yao Rui told her, maybe... Yao Rui didn't lie either, because he only knew about himself and Ruan Qingqing, and other people's affairs. , He doesn't necessarily know."

Yao Rui didn't see whether Ruan Qingqing committed suicide, was killed by someone, or was murdered, so his words are not credible!

"If there are real ghosts in this world, then why did the female ghost kill Song Qin and leave that sentence? I heard that only those who died unjustly, in vain, and were killed will turn into fierce ghosts and ghosts. Killing, if Ruan Qingqing committed suicide, how could her ghost become a ghost and haunt the school?"

Ning Huanxin continued to calmly analyze: "So, if Ruan Qingqing's ghost really killed someone, then it is very likely that her murder target will give us some clues and enlightenment!"

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