"Song Qin's family background is actually known to everyone who knows her."

Shen Xue took out her mobile phone and opened a post on the school forum. This was a revelation post a long time ago, and she did not know how she found it.

Ning Huanxin took a look at the post and realized it suddenly.

It turned out that Song Qin had been generous when she first entered school. At that time, she lied that she was the second generation of the rich. She was very domineering in school and had many suitors. But once her parents came to see her from her hometown, and the students in the department knew that she was just a child from an ordinary family. Although she can't be said to be a poor person, she really has no relationship with the rich second generation. .

Later, everyone started talking about her behind her back, and even many female classmates excluded her. Some male classmates who had pursued her also mocked her.

But Song Qin is still big-handed and still lives a life that is more luxurious than the rich second generation. She does have a lot of problems like this. Where did the money and luxury accessories she squandered come from?

Song Qin was taken up by the gold master because of his outstanding appearance and good figure.

This is the speculation of many people on the forum, that is, since then, Song Qin's reputation in school has been terrible.

"Song Qin does have capital."

Ning Huanxin saw a group photo of a few girls in the bedroom today. Song Qin was really outstanding, beautiful, slim and even in figure.

"Yes, girls with capital like her are really rare, so...Song Qin is probably using her natural capital to make money."

Shen Xue said her conjecture in a low voice.

Why does Song Qin have so many mobile phones? Why does she use a fake name in front of others?

She may be using this to make money, such as interacting with different people at the same time, making up her identity, gaining the trust of the other party, and then getting some money from the other party.

Although this speculation is not necessarily true, both Shen Xue and Ning Huanxin feel that this possibility is very high.

If this is the case, then Song Qin really possesses a certain characteristic——

People who live in lies!

She is a person who is good at lying, or she may be a person who lies every day!

When I thought of this, Ning Huanxin felt that a certain knot in her heart was suddenly opened, and then there were more and deeper doubts, one after another...

"I think the police will investigate Song Qin's affairs, but Han Yu doesn't like you to investigate this case with me. Don't ask Han Jing. I'll talk to Ouyang Ling. Their family has great energy. Can he get news from the police station."

Shen Xue decided to go to Ouyang Ling. Of course, Ning Huanxin was very in favor.

She wanted to see what kind of entanglement and sparks the heroine and heroine in the movie world would have in a world where the plot is going.


Back in the bedroom, Ning Huanxin quickly washed up and went back to bed to rest.

However, she did not go to sleep directly, but lay quietly on the bed alone, thinking about something--

If Zhu Qin was really killed by a female ghost, was it Ruan Qingqing who killed her?

in case……

Isn't it Ruan Qingqing?

Ning Huanxin always felt that this world was created by Ruan Qingqing's ghost, and what she wanted to express was probably not as simple as they knew it on the surface.

When Ruan Qingqing died, the blood on the roof really made people care.

Whether it is suicide or homicide, it is actually very troublesome to leave this line of blood. If it is suicide, why do such a thing before dying?

If it was a murder, the murderer wrote this sentence, really just to divert his attention?

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