Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1566: 1566: future plans

Because Cui Can had already seen Ning Huanxin's true strength in Misty Valley last time, and also guessed the identity of Jiang Lixing, so now they will not hide anything from Cui Can in what they say.

Although Jiang Lixing was the same as usual during this period, filming, visiting the troupe, and spending the whole day with Ning Huanxin, but Cui Can had already clearly felt that Jiang Lixing's aura was changing.

"Strictly, happy."

Seeing that the car was about to enter the range of Yuhai Mountain, Cui Can suddenly slowed down and asked in a low voice, "You two... are you leaving?"

Leave this world and return to where you were originally.

Although there is only one feeling, Cui Can feels that what he feels should be the truth of the matter.

"Well. When the wedding is over, and Huanxin graduates from college, we will leave for a while."

Jiang Lixing did not conceal Cui Can. The two have known each other for so long. Apart from Ning Huanxin, Cui Can should be the person who knows Jiang Lixing the most and also the most secrets in the world.

"That's it!"

Cui Can smiled somewhat complicatedly: "Although I am a little bit sad, I still want to bless you. It should be something to celebrate to return to the original track."

"Thank you Brother Cui."

Ning Huanxin smiled sweetly at the back, and then looked at Cui Can with gleaming eyes: "Brother Cui, what are your plans in the future? Will you really be a racer? Also, you and...Jiang Yanran ,How's it going?"

"I have some savings, I should be able to do something I want to do."

Cui Can’s eyes condensed slightly. For the first half of his life, he had done all he should do for the Jiang family. Now he has followed Jiang Lixing and left the Jiang family. When Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin leave in the future, he will only be left. The next person is free, the sky is high and the birds fly!

As for the emotional matter...

"This feeling can be regarded as a remembrance, but it was already at a loss."

Cui Can muttered lowly: "It's really hard to get back from the past feelings, but I'm still willing to be friends with Missy."

Because the pain was so deep in the past, he didn't dare to look back, he didn't want to look back.

Over time, that relationship has long been buried by time, and it can never be restored ever since.

A person's life is too long. Instead of being entangled with the irreparable emotions of the past, it is better to move forward bravely and pursue new happiness.

Hearing Cui Can’s answer, Ning Huanxin nodded silently——

Indeed, no matter what the reason was, how many people will stand still waiting for you after years have passed?

In this world, the most unreluctant thing is feelings.


Back at Yuhaishan Gu’s family, Jiang Lixing once again proved himself the existence of this twenty-four filial boyfriend. He helped Ning Huanxin clean up the room, and helped her tidy up all the things she needs after school, the clothes and daily necessities to bring. Qi, properly posted.

Zhang Nian who was watching was stunned.

It turns out that my master is a master at home?

"Learn something, what to look for? A man who can't take care of his own woman is never a good man!"

Feeling the gaze of his apprentice, Jiang Lixing immediately educates him righteously.

"Yes! The disciple has been taught!"

At Zhang Nian's young age, he took Jiang's strict behavior as an example and had to learn from Master in everything, but...

Master can take care of his wife, who should he take care of?

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