Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1577: 1577: Lin Qiu Han crosses the robbery (2)

"Don't push me away, since I decided to come here with you, I never thought about leaving here alone."

Gu Xiao firmly shook Lin Qiuhan's hand and whispered softly.

He thought about two possibilities--

They leave here together.

They died here together.

There has never been a third possibility.

"Well, we must be together when we die!"

Hearing Gu Xiao's words, Lin Qiuhan finally nodded. She tried her best to release her last spiritual power.

If...the crossing of the robbery was unsuccessful, she would have no regrets or regrets.

Because she has had the best man and the best love in the world.


At this moment, the sky thunder suddenly fell, and the sound was deafening, with the aura of ruining the world.


Without the violent imagination, or even the slightest feeling, that sky thunder... seems to have disappeared invisible?

Lin Qiuhan opened his eyes abruptly and looked at Gu Xiao beside him. The two looked at each other. Then when they looked up, they saw that the sky thunder seemed to be suppressed by someone, and he was motionless in the air, unable to fall down!


What an unbelievable cultivation level!

Gu Xiao and Lin Qiuhan looked in the direction that the amazing breath came from, and saw Jiang Lixing strolling over in a leisurely manner. As they walked, they were shaking their fingers leisurely, and there were countless spiritual powers surging in their fingertips. It was he who suppressed the power of Tianlei!


"Master Hades!"

Gu Xiao and Lin Qiuhan were both surprised. Is Jiang Lixing so strong?

"Okay, it's okay, I am very familiar with Heavenly Dao."

Jiang Lixing smiled at Gu Xiao and the others as he walked. Then he raised his hand and led the sky thunder elsewhere. The thunder and lightning came down and destroyed all the area.

"I will leave the rest to me, Lin Qiuhan, you should prepare, so that you can use your spiritual power to accept the body tempering so that you can reshape the adult."

Speaking of Jiang Lixing, he glanced at Gu Xiao who was aside: "I and Huanxin have already set a wedding date, but we are still waiting for our elder brother and sister to attend the wedding, so you must hurry up! Of course, if you are willing, so You can get married before us."

Hearing what Jiang Lixing said, Gu Xiao was taken aback, then smiled slightly: "Okay."

For the first time, he felt that Jiang Lixing was so pleasing to the eye.


Isn't it dozens of sky thunders?

What is that?

Jiang Lixing was not afraid of Heaven’s Dao back then, and now he has the strength to defeat Heaven’s Dao. Therefore, Lin Qiuhan’s thunder robbery passed smoothly with the help of Jiang Lixing. Guanghua enveloped Lin Qiuhan's body, and now she has successfully overcome the catastrophe and changed her fate against the sky!

There are two ways for ordinary ghosts to go after successfully crossing the catastrophe. One is to become ghosts and continue to practice. In the future, they can be at ease or work for the underworld.

Of course there is also a second option, which is to shape an adult!

If you are an adult, you will become an ordinary mortal, with birth, old age, sickness and death. Of course, if you want to practice again, it's okay, but you have to go through a lot of penance and more years.

Of course Lin Qiuhan chose to sculpt an adult!

She is not afraid of hard work, she can start all over again and practice again. In this life, she will be a happy person, staying with her beloved for a lifetime, and grow old together!

"Let's go, she will take a while to temper."

Seeing that Lin Qiuhan was safe, Jiang Lixing immediately waved his hand at Bai Wuchang, and Bai Wuchang, who had been following Jiang Lixing, nodded immediately.

"Jiang Lixing, thank you!"

At this time, Gu Xiao's voice came from behind, very sincere.

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