Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1585: 1585: Years and Love (2)

"Wife, wife."

The man who had just died in a car accident, his soul did not leave.

The accident came too suddenly. When the danger came, he almost didn't hesitate to push his wife away.

People may only make the most instinctive and true response at the most critical moment.

"My wife, don't cry, I...I don't want to divorce you."

The man looked at his wife crying like a child, and he couldn't help but wander around in a hurry.

Once shared the joys and sorrows together, once started from scratch, how many hardships have their love experienced?

Perhaps, as they get older and live better, the relationship between them gradually fades, they start quarreling, and the cold war begins.

Once, he really thought that there was no feeling between them, only quarrels were left.

Therefore, he did not refuse when the young girl outside showed a gentle offensive against him.

Working hard in the mall, which successful man is not accompanied by a few beautiful beauties by his side?

He thought he was disgusted with quarrels, disgusted with the woman in the family who had to control everything.

But at this moment, at the moment of death, all he thought of was just fortunate. Fortunately, he still had the strength to push his wife away when the danger came.

He was extremely grateful that his lover at this moment, she was still unscathed.

She is still alive, that's enough.

Time may precipitate our love, and life may also be full of contradictions and quarrels, but when we calm down and torture our hearts, is the once beautiful and once deep love really gone?

"My wife, I'm sorry..."

The man stood quietly, knelt down, raised his hand to touch his lover's cheek, but unfortunately, his big hand lightly passed through her face.

At this time, the wife seemed to feel something, suddenly raised her eyes and looked in front of her.

But it was just empty.

Her husband's body in her arms was still warm. She didn't want to believe it. He just left. He has struggled for half his life and quarreled for half his life. Now the children are bigger and the business is better. Why, they can't live the rest of their lives safely?

If she was willing to sign the divorce agreement last time, wouldn't it happen?


Who can think that something like this will happen today?

In front of life and death, let alone the trivial quarrels on weekdays, how big is a divorce even if it is true?


"The most painful thing in this world is not to ask for nothing, but not to hesitate."

Standing in the crowd, Ning Huanxin suddenly sighed. Hearing what his daughter-in-law said, Jiang Lixing condensed, raised his hand, and placed a barrier. At this moment, besides the two of them, there was the spirit of the man. , Other people, and even the whole world suddenly stood still.

What's going on here?

"you guys……"

The man recovered, because he heard the footsteps, he immediately turned his head and looked at the two people who suddenly came to him in surprise: "Can you see me? You are not..."

Aren't these two big stars?

Although men are in their forties, there is no shortage of young girls around them, and they know a lot about the entertainment industry.

But everyone is dead. At this moment, let alone seeing Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin suddenly, even seeing ghosts and gods, he is not surprised.

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