Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1595: 1595: Movie premiere (1)

Pan Yingying felt that since she saw Chen Anwen's ghost last time, Pan Yingying has been awed and believed in the ghost.

She knew that Ning Huanxin knew more about this aspect than ordinary people, so she asked smoothly.

Hearing Pan Yingying's words, Ning Huanxin just smiled.

"Who knows? Maybe... they will see it."

Ning Huanxin will not tell Pan Yingying that the protagonist of this movie will be there.

She actually wants to know how Yao Rui and Yang Zheng feel when they are watching a movie on the spot.


Because the film crew has already done publicity in the school, and also selected a hundred lucky student fans to watch the premiere film, so when Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing brought Pan Yingying with them, the premiere scene was already sitting a lot. People, this time the school has also completed adequate facilities and deployed a lot of security guards. Of course, the creative party has hired a lot of people to maintain order. Therefore, the order inside and outside the school is very good. The students on the university campus are really very cooperative. of.

This time, in addition to the lucky students, some reporters were also invited to the scene. Of course, they were all reporters who had a good relationship with Wang Nianping. Those reporters were originally surrounded by the three major celebrities Wang Nianping, Qiao Xuejun and Tang Mo. With the figures of Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin, a group of reporters immediately swarmed up——

"Jiang Lixing, I heard that you are leaving the entertainment industry. Will this movie be your last work?"

"Ning Huanxin, this is the second time you have cooperated with Jiang Lixing. Will you still cooperate in the future? Will Jiang Lixing come back as a guest for you?"

Some time ago, Jiang Lixing stopped all activities and terminated the contract with all advertisers. At that time, someone had already felt that something was wrong. Later, Cui Can issued a special announcement to tell everyone that Jiang Lixing intends to retire from the entertainment circle temporarily and intends to be with Ning Huanxin in the future. Live some peaceful and stable days after marriage.

Regarding Jiang Lixing’s sudden retreat, it naturally caused a great uproar in the entertainment circle. However, because Jiang Lixing has always been very cold and tough in the circle, his friends in the circle just reposted the announcement to express their regret, and some The media just sighed, that the actor Jiang is worthy of a beloved wife, and he will retreat behind the scenes when he gets married. There are really not many such good husbands with 24 filial piety.

Compared with the media and people in the circle, Jiang Lixing's fans are the most excited!

Thinking of never seeing their idol’s work again, those fans immediately left messages under Jiang Lixing’s Weibo, under Cui Can’s public account, and even went to Ning Huanxin’s account.

It's just that during this time, Ning Huanxin has been busy and has no chance to see anything. Before, all her accounts have been managed by Lin Chu. Lin Chu will respond to Ning Huanxin as soon as he has any issues.

Lin Chu is not here now, and because those fans are not very fierce, I just hope that Ning Huanxin can help persuade Jiang to act. It's not easy to stop these fan groups that demand Ning Huanxin, so no one has told Ning Huanxin about this, and she doesn't know.

Then Jiang Lixing also posted a special Weibo to tell fans not to leave comments everywhere. He has decided to leave. Although he may not be able to meet everyone on the screen in the future, he will update Weibo more when he has time. I pass on the current situation of myself and Ning Huanxin and the happiness of the two to everyone.

This matter just calmed down.

Today, when asked by reporters about the future, Jiang Lixing just smiled faintly and grabbed Ning Huanxin next to him: "If Huanxin shoots in the future, I don't mind coming back."

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