Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1614: 1614: The Past of Po Meng (1)

"Today is the first day of the new year in Yangjian, and it is also the beginning of our new year in the underworld. Let's take this opportunity to gather together and have a good drink. Let's have a good time, not drunk or return!"

Every year, time goes back and forth.

Emperor Fengdu has gone through countless reincarnations, and now seeing Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing go round and round together, he is really happy for them from the bottom of his heart.

Now that the emperor has spoken, everyone is naturally not polite, knowing that Jiang Lixing is about to leave the underworld, although everyone was relieved at first——

This killing machine is finally leaving!


Soon everyone felt reluctant again.

Without Jiang's strict underworld, I always feel that something is missing? Sickness? Or air conditioner?


Everyone is still loved by colleagues!

Therefore, a large group of people are going to...to drink!

Seeing Jiang Lixing being surrounded by a large group of people pouring wine, Ning Huanxin watched quietly from the side——

The customs of the underworld are really special!

"Come on, princess, try this."

At this time, Po Meng took a bite of the dish to Ning Huanxin: "Try it, I made it myself."

"Is it?"

Ning Huanxin took a bite and put it in her mouth, immediately showing a very enjoyable expression.

"It's really delicious, Po Meng, your craftsmanship is so good."

"If the princess likes it, eat more. This is a famous dish in my hometown and my specialty. It's a pity..."

Po Meng wanted to say something, and suddenly sighed.

"what happened?"

Ning Huanxin felt that something was wrong, and looked at Po Meng quietly. She is actually very quiet and well-behaved, and has good cooking skills, but...but she always frowns, and few people can see her face. Smile on the face.

"I heard from Ah Xing, that Meng Po Tang was only available since you entered the underworld. That soup can make people forget the old things, Meng Po, is there anything you want to forget?"

Ning Huan asked curiously.

Hearing what Ning Huanxin said, Po Meng shook her head slightly, with a complicated expression on her face: "On the contrary, I just want to remind myself all the time and I must remember."

Huangquan Road, next to Naihe Bridge.

See or leave.

I'm waiting for you.

And you...

Where is it?

She has been waiting, waiting for the man, waiting for the appointment, her obsession is like a hair, which has been growing all these years.


With a deep sigh, Po Meng slowly recovered her senses, and looked at Ning Huanxin and asked: "I heard Heiwuchang said that you also have a WeChat system in the underworld, which can help those souls who cannot enter the underworld. Happy knot, let them re-enter the underworld. I don’t know if you, the princess, have encountered a situation in Yangjian...That is, after a person dies, obviously the soul wants to enter the underworld to reunite with his beloved, but he just because Can't enter the underworld for external reasons?"

"Huh?" Hearing Po Meng's question, Ning Huan caught his mind for a moment, and finally got a clue.

"Are you waiting for someone?"

Po Meng has been by the Naihe bridge, was she waiting for someone?

"Yes, I'm waiting for someone."

Po Meng’s eyes grew far away: "When I was a husband and wife when we were living and dying, we agreed to be company on Huangquan Road and stay by the Naihe Bridge, but...I have been waiting for him, his The soul has never appeared."

Nearly a thousand years have passed, and he clearly left by himself. Why couldn't he be found everywhere on Huangquan Road?

Is it true that he walked too fast and didn't wait for her?

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