Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1623: 1623: Past life: ten thousand years at a glance (7)

"I will lie to anyone, and I will never lie to you."

At this moment, our Mr. Jiang has revealed the nature of his extremely loyal dog.

Seeing what Jiang Ziwen said so seriously, Fairy Qingxin looked into his eyes and pondered.

"Well, you said you are the great prince of the demon clan, I believe you! You said you like me, now you want to chase me, I will believe you for the time being, then I will ask you again now-you are sure you are coming To be a son-in-law? In that case you will betray the demons!"

Having said this, Fairy Qingxin's shiny eyes blinked slightly, and then said again: "Or else, you go and send the demons that I brought me in first, so that I can believe your sincerity, or just say nothing. Bai Ya, what do you say is true? Isn't it? Go ahead, I'll be waiting for you here!"

With that, Fairy Qingxin immediately waved his hand, eagerly wanting Jiang Ziwen to deal with the demons.

"it is good."

Jiang Ziwen smiled slightly, his figure immediately turned into a black mist and disappeared.

Fairy Qingxin:...

I go, it's really devilish!

Could he really be the prince of the demons? How can you play happily after that?

Almost in an instant, Fairy Qingxin made a very wise decision——

Thirty-six strategies, go first!

Back to the fairy world!

Great prince, goodbye!


The fairy world of clouds.

"Fairy, you are back, where have you been? Oh, where did Jiang Ziwen go? Didn't he go with you?"

The fairy boy in the fairy palace saw that Ning Huanxin came back alone with a weird expression, and immediately asked with concern.

It’s not surprising that the fairy suddenly plays missing, but why does Jiang Ziwen suddenly play missing?

There must be something strange about this!


Hearing Fairy's question, Fairy Qingxin frowned, and then tilted his head with a puzzled look: "Jiang Ziwen? I didn't see him either. Is he not there?"

"I am, I am."

Before Fairy Qingxin's voice fell, he saw a handsome man in black running in with a smile, looking at her with a low eyebrow.

"Fairy, are you looking for me? Is there any order?"

Fairy Qingxin: Damn it! When did this guy come back?

"Uh, yes, I'm looking for you, you come with me!"

Fairy Qingxin took Jiang Ziwen's hand and rushed into his room quickly.

Only the fairy boy behind him looked weird--

Sure enough, the face value is high, and the treatment is good.

For so many years, the man who can be held by the fairy, apart from the fairy emperor, is only this Jiang Ziwen.


How do you feel that Jiang Ziwen seems to be more handsome today than before?

It's unreasonable.


Inside the palace.

Fairy Qingxin looked at the man in front of him coldly: "What are you doing back? You are the prince of the demons!"

"Oh yes."

Jiang Ziwen nodded faintly, then smiled and looked at the person in front of him: "Who stipulated that the prince of the demon clan should not come to the immortal world? No one stopped me when I came in. By the way, the eldest brother who guarded the door gave me two fairy peaches. I will bring you a taste."

Fairy Qingxin:...

These are not the main points, okay?

As the prince of the demon clan, you have a bit of momentum, a bit of principle and integrity, OK?

Jiang Ziwen: Chasing a daughter-in-law must be shameless and determined not to swear by the beauty. What do you want to do with principles and morals?

Seeing that Jiang Ziwen really took out two fairy peaches and handed them to his own eyes, Fairy Qingxin really couldn't laugh or cry. Is this demon prince a fool?

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