Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1636: 1636: The Cause and Effect of Mo Qinan (3)

"I am still alive."

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Mo Qinan muttered to himself, his eyes suddenly brightened.

Yes! He is still alive, his body is still warm, his heart is still beating, why should he give up?

"You are right, I shouldn't give up, I can!"

While talking, Mo Qinan slowly turned around and came to the hospital bed again. He tried again. Although he was still pushed out, he was not discouraged but tried again and again.

For the last time, his soul was no longer rejected by the body, and the whole soul was integrated into the body.


Ning Huanxin on the side was very excited. At this moment, the ECG on the side fluctuated violently, and then returned to normal.

"He still needs a process of adapting, he won't wake up so quickly, let's go!"

Jiang Lixing pulled Ning Huanxin, and the figures of the two slowly disappeared again.

In the ward, the man on the bed who had been in a coma for several years, the little finger of his right hand suddenly moved slightly...

There is no shortage of miracles in this world, only people who create miracles are missing.

The second day of the new year.

Fang Qing packed up her things early and put on a new set of clothes. When she saw her daughter carefully dressing up and planning to go out, Fang's mother immediately smiled and leaned forward: "Qingqing, you really won't regret it this time, right? What a good man was introduced to you by your Aunt Wang! On the second day of the new year, he specially invited you out for dinner!"


Fang Qing replied: "Mom, I know, you don't have to worry anymore. I will definitely go to the appointment today and will not run away."

She didn't want to fight with her mother during the New Year.

Isn't it just going on a blind date? Just meet once, she will tell the man that she already has someone she likes, and she only likes that one person in this life.


On the second day of the Lunar New Year, not many people went to the streets, and even almost all the shopping malls and restaurants in Yanjing City were closed. It was really not easy to find one who opened the door for business.

When he arrived at the blind date, Fang Qing saw the man who was on the blind date with him at a glance, just like the photo, with a very gentle look.

At this time, the man also saw Fang Qing, his eyes brightened, and he waved at her.

Fang Qing smiled and took the seat. Seeing her coming, the man hurriedly wanted to order food, but Fang Qing stopped him: "I just came to say hello to you. I don't want to eat. I have to go to the hospital to see my boyfriend! "

Fang Qing's words left the man stunned in the same place, with a dazed look-what's wrong with going to the hospital to see her boyfriend?

"Sorry for delaying your time, I was forced by my mother to have no choice, or else, would you order food? I will pay the bill!"

Fang Qing took out her wallet generously, but was rejected by the man: "Forget it, you go, don't make your boyfriend wait in a hurry, I'll be fine."

There will always be some people in this world who will become passers-by, and some will always be the mark of your life.

Fang Qing wanted to tell that person very much-she had been waiting for these years.

She has long been used to waiting.

Sitting in the taxi going to the hospital, Fang Qing saw many brighter colored lights and billboards on the street, and she was in a daze.

The new year is here again.

I'm still waiting for you.

Every year, every day, every moment, my heart is waiting for you.

Brother Mo, do you know everything? Can you hear my heart calling you?

I will wait until you, right?

Fang Qing at this moment does not know what kind of good news is waiting for her in the hospital——

As long as you wait patiently, the flowers will bloom.

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