Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1654: 1654: Fan Wai: Hesitant Cui Can

"Miss Yang, what are you drinking?"

Cui Can walked to the table and asked Yang A Nuan with a smile.

"No, I have something to do, go now!"

Yang A Nuan shook her head at Cui Can, and hurried away with the information. After she left, Gu Chen couldn't help sighing.

"Hey, what a stubborn guy!"

"What's the matter? You and Yang A Nuan, you..."

Cui Can was already sitting in front of Gu Chen and asked curiously.

"So you started gossiping too, but don't get me wrong! Yang A Nuan and I are just ordinary friends, this time she asked me for help if something happened."

Gu Chen replied with a serious look in his eyes, there was no love between them.

"Okay, I see, there is no need to explain so clearly."

Cui Can smiled at Gu Chen: "I'm actually quite accurate. I know you are just ordinary friends."

If it is a lover, or the lover is not satisfied, or if you are about to become a lover, there will be a very strange and attractive aura between them, but between Gu Chen and Yang A Nuan, obviously there is no .


Hearing what Cui Can said, Gu Chen's expression on the side suddenly changed. He looked at Cui Can and smiled meaningfully: "Cui Ge, you seem to be an old man, a secretary, and a machine. Then I ask What are you, you and... Sister Chu Chu?"


Cui Can suddenly became speechless.

What is the relationship between him and Lin Chu...?

Cui Can was stunned and did not answer this question. Gu Chen on the side smiled again: "I said you! If you like others, just confess it. A woman’s youth is very short and it can’t be wasted. Sister Chu Chu has already suffered once in love and marriage. She can’t afford to wait. Yes, I can't bear the second injury. You will only scare her away if you drag her so far, pushing it further and further!"

After speaking, Gu Chen took a sip of coffee and stood up.

"I should go too. This time I went out for too long. I miss my grandpa and them so much. I will go back to Yuhaishan first. This time I can stay at home for a while!"

Putting down a hundred yuan bill, Gu Chen left without looking back.

And Cui Can still looked at the neon outside the window in a daze--

In fact, he was the same as Lin Chu, they were both hurt too deeply by love, so it was difficult to take that step again.


Should I continue to consume it like this?

They all have a good impression of each other, and they have known each other almost in the past few years. Perhaps, he and she just missed an opportunity, an opportunity to confess.


Ever since Gu Chen talked with himself that day, Cui Can has been thinking about himself and Lin Chu. He feels that he is a big man and should always take the first step, but he doesn't know how to confess?

Speaking of confession, Cui Can is really a layman.

After living for more than 30 years, he only talked about love once, and he was a childhood sweetheart, and in that relationship, it was obvious that Jiang Yanran was more active.

Hey, so distressed.


Every June is a vigorous June, because it is the day of the college entrance examination, and it is the time to determine the fate of many people in their lives.

Jiang Liran had told Lin Chu that he would take time off during this period. In fact, in addition to watching TV shows and entertainment information, he spent the rest of the time urging Liang Ruobing to study hard.

That feeling is really strange.

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