Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1657: 1657: Fan Wai: Attentive Jiang Sanshao

In the eyes of others, Jiang Liran is the game world, the dull Jiang Sanshao.

And in Liang Ruobing's eyes...

Jiang Liran is the best and best man in the world, not one of them.

No one can compare with him.

My mother always said that the three young masters were so kind to us, and our mother and daughter would not be able to repay his kindness in our lifetime. In fact, every time I heard my mother say these things, Liang Ruobing didn't feel it a burden, but felt very sweet.

Since there is no retribution, then... let's promise it with your body.

She is willing to be with Jiang Liran all her life.


When Jiang Liran came out of the bathroom, Liang Ruobing had finished his medicine and even went back to the bedroom to change his clothes.

"Ruobing, you... feel better?"

Jiang Liran saw that her face seemed better than before, and immediately asked.

Is that box of medicine an elixir? Can the medicine be cured?

Hearing Jiang Liran's words, Liang Ruobing just smiled slightly; "I feel better, now I feel a little hungry, let's go and eat something delicious!"

Of course, the stomach won't be so fast, but because of taking medicine and drinking hot water, the pain eased a bit, and she ran several times with diarrhea in the morning, and now her stomach is empty, really a little hungry.

"Okay, eat delicious."

While talking, Jiang Liran took out the phone, and very skillfully found the phone number of a star hotel in the city center, and ordered a meal with the senior manager there.

"Don't you go out to eat?"

Seeing Jiang Liran finished the phone call, Liang Ruobing sat aside, blinking his big eyes and asked him curiously.

Although the home is also good, the place is always too small. Every time Jiang Liran comes to eat, although he doesn't say anything, Liang Ruobing can feel it, he is always very awkward.

"No, I called the chef over to make it. Their hotel is filled with fresh ingredients delivered by air to ensure nutrition, and the chef is very skilled and will be ready soon. The most important ingredients are nourishing. It can warm the stomach."

While talking, Jiang Liran looked at Liang Ruobing, and said again: "I'm so tired after standing all morning. I lie down on the sofa for a while, you... you go back to your room first."

Jiang Liran directly occupied the sofa and wanted to drive Liang Ruobing to the bedroom. In fact, Liang Ruobing understood what he meant. He wanted to go back to the bedroom and have a good rest, so he said so deliberately.

"I see, brother, rest, and I will lie down for a while."

With that said, Liang Ruobing had already turned around and returned to his room, watching the little girl go, Jiang Liran sighed.

He remembered that the sofa in the living room was replaced by someone at the beginning of the year. Why is it so uncomfortable to lie down?

Sitting up, Jiang Liran couldn't help but looked around. This apartment was bought many years ago. Although the location is good and the apartment facilities are good, it is a bit smaller after all. I want to change to something more comfortable, more advanced and comfortable. Furniture, space is not enough.

Well, when Ruobing goes to university, she won't have to live here anymore. Then she can buy a big house near her school.

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Liran immediately felt that he was really awesome. The greatest parent in the world must be him, Jiang Sanshao!


Liang Ruobing rested in his bedroom for a while, maybe because of the effect of the medicine, the stomach pain finally disappeared and there was no diarrhea.

At this time, she changed into a dress at home and quietly walked out of the bedroom. As soon as she went out, she saw Jiang Liran lying on the sofa and falling asleep, with a touching sleeping posture.

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