Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1660: 1660: Extra: Heian

When a group of Gu's family surrounded Jiang Lixing, Father Ning and Gu Qianliang directly dragged Ning Huanxin aside, and couldn't wait to whisper to each other--

"Hai Xin, look at your brother and Qiu Han, they both have their own children, how about you?"

Lin Qiuhan took care of his body for a while after he got married for a year, and then he will have it. The Gu family has always been thin, but this child is the treasure of the Gu family, especially the father Gu calculated that Gu Xiao’s son will be the overlord of the Xuanmen side in the future. At that time, let alone how excited and happy I was.


Hearing what his mother said, Ning Huanxin was stunned. Is this urging herself to have a child?

Ning Huanxin is not disgusted with this, but Jiang Lixing once told her that the two people have been separated for so many years. Although he also wants children, he still hopes that the two can live in the two-person world for a few more years. Consider the child's problem.

"Mom, just concentrate on bringing the children to my brother. Ah Xing and I don't worry, how old am I? And I'm afraid you won't be able to bring too many children!"

Ning Huanxin smiled and took Gu Qianliang's hand, and walked quickly into the yard. At this time, Old Ning turned around and pulled Jiang Lixing to his side, and muttered something mysteriously.

Gu Chen, who had already known for a long time, didn't step forward to bother him. He waved his hand to disperse the other disciples of the Gu family.


The family happily went to the front hall. Gu Xiao and Lin Qiuhan were both at this time. Because Lin Qiuhan had a big belly and it was inconvenient to walk, Gu Xiao stayed with her in the hall all the time. After being vigorous and sharp-edged, the aura in his whole body was very peaceful at this time.

Not to mention at home, even if he goes out to work now, Gu Xiao is in this state, and he smiles when he meets anyone, which makes everyone feel like a spring breeze.

Because Young Master Gu heard that such a breath is good for children.

This is what he can do for his children as a father.

Ning Huanxin:...

Brother, you are such a good dad, come on!

Gu Family Hall.

"Big brother, sister-in-law."

Ning Huan greeted the two people happily, and cautiously approached Lin Qiuhan, gently raised his hand, and touched her swollen belly. Ning Huanxin could clearly feel that there was a very strong breath of life.

The baby is really energetic! Ning Huanxin felt that the little life close at hand, the whole person felt very novel and very excited.

"Sister-in-law, have you named Xiaodu?"

Ning Huanxin raised his head slightly, and asked Lin Qiuhan curiously.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Lin Qiuhan smiled slightly: "Your eldest brother has thought about the name. He said that your brother and sister's original names are one for joy and the other for joy. You have lived well and happy in your life. He also hopes that his son will be happy forever, always safe and happy, so he is called Gu Ping An!"

Ning Huanxin:...

This is indeed the father's biological son! Both father and son have the same names.

When he thought of this, Ning Huan subconsciously glanced at Jiang Lixing behind him. Maybe he wouldn't be as incompetent as his father and brother, right?

In short, if I had a daughter in the future, I would never be called Jiang Meili!

Jiang Lixing felt Ning Huanxin's meaning, and immediately laughed aside.

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