Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 806: 806: Unexpected encounter

Ning Huanxin parked the car in the parking lot at the gate of Beishan Cemetery. This cemetery was so big that she and Bai Wuchang could only walk in.

"Brother Bai, do you know the location of your Xie family's ancestral shrine?"

Ning Huanxin asked while walking.

"I don't know, but I can sense its location."

The ancestral shrine of the Xie family’s ancestors was built by another branch of the Xie family. That branch has been in Yanjing for generations. Bai Wuchang only knows this, but he can find the ancestral shrine of the Xie family based on his own induction. The calmness.

As Bai Wuchang spoke, he turned slightly, and Ning Huanxin quickly followed behind him.

The two people walked around in the Beishan Cemetery for a long time. Finally, Bai Wuchang slowed down, and finally he stopped in front of a separate tombstone.

This tombstone group is separated from other tombstones by small courtyards.

This is the private family tombs in the Beishan Cemetery, equivalent to a garden villa in an ordinary building.

On the tombstone in the middle, Ning Huanxin saw the word "Xie", which is indeed the ancestral shrine of the Xie family.

Seeing Bai Wuchang standing in a daze in front of the tombstone, Ning Huanxin did not dare to disturb him. Instead, she silently glanced at the tombstone in the side. The big tombstone in the middle was very special because there were many names engraved on this tombstone, and most of them What Ning Huan cares about is the name in the middle--

Xie Bian, the eldest son of Yongan Houfu.

It turns out that Bai Wuchang was actually the eldest son of the Hou Mansion before he was alive. Is that the eldest son? Isn’t it a typical tall, rich and handsome back then?

It's a pity that the Yong'an Hou's Mansion has long since disappeared, and even the people of their branch have broken the incense.

Ning Huanxin sighed in her heart, she took advantage of Bai Wuchang to be there in a daze, and simply walked outside the small courtyard, quietly sensing everything around her.

Many people say that the cemetery is the most sinister place, but it is not.

Because people are cremated now, and the burial grounds are just ashes, not even corpses. Where does the yin air come from?

Moreover, the ashes and tombstones of the ancestors in the cemetery are enshrined by the descendants every year, which is actually better than ordinary places.

The ancestral shade mentioned in Feng Shui refers to the place where your ancestors are located, and if you have good luck, you can bless your descendants.

And the reason why this Beishan cemetery is so expensive is because it is a famous geomantic treasure in the outskirts of Yanjing!


The entire cemetery is very quiet, Ning Huanxin can even hear the sounds of butterflies flying by and insects singing, and the aura here is actually much more abundant than in the city.

If it's not that the environment is too special, Ning Huanxin really doesn't mind having time to come here to practice.


At this moment, Ning Huanxin suddenly heard a familiar call. As soon as she lifted her eyes, she saw the couple, Xie Guang and Lin Jing, walking over with a bouquet and some sacrifices.

"Uncle Xie, why are you here? Could it be..."

Ning Huanxin suddenly subconsciously turned his head and glanced at where Bai Wuchang was standing.

Xie Yudie's family also has the last name Xie, could it be...

"Next week we will go abroad to discuss business. I am afraid that we will not be back on the ninth day of September, so we will come to worship our ancestors in advance when we have time today! The ancestral shrine of our Xie family is here!"

Xie Guang answered Ning Huanxin's words softly.

"So your ancestral home is Yanjing? I never heard Xiaodie talk about it before."

Ning Huanxin was really surprised.

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