Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 815: 815: The Black Gift Box Reappears (2)

Ning Huanxin didn't wait long before Cui Can's call came.


After answering the phone, Cui Can's serious voice came.

"You guessed it right, something really happened to Wen's family!"


"What's the matter?" Ning Huanxin didn't have much surprise when his guess became a fact.

"Wen Yuqi is... crazy."

Cui Can just received Ning Huanxin’s call, he immediately called Uncle Hai. If something happens to Yuhaishan’s other families, Jiang’s family is bound to hear the news as soon as possible, and Uncle Hai’s news is the fastest. of.

"Uncle Hai told me that this morning, Wen's servant went upstairs and asked Wen Yuqi to get up for dinner, but they couldn't open the door because they were afraid of what happened to Wen Yuqi, so they slammed the door open, and they just watched. When Wen Yuqi's clothes were disheveled and she was sitting on the bed with a sluggish expression, she seemed to be stupid. Now the Wen family is looking for a private doctor to do a full-body check-up on Wen Yuqi! But... it looks like she is really crazy. Probably can't stand the blow?"

"It would be great if so."

Ning Huanxin sighed on the phone.

"Haixin, what do you mean..."

Cui Can was taken aback for a moment, and then his tone became low: "Could it be that someone did something secretly?"

"I don't know, I'm just guessing, I hope Wen's family will not rest on me, otherwise...I will be very embarrassed."

Ning Huanxin smiled suddenly.

"Should not?"

Cui Can is actually not sure.

However, since the incident has already happened, what it will develop into in the future is up to the writer's own choice.

"Brother Cui, thank you, I interrupted you to rest, right?"

Ning Huanxin asked lightly.

"It's okay, everything that should be busy is finished. You and Li Xing are also going to go. I met with Lawyer Quan and Lin Chu today and sent the lawyer's letter, and then we can really have a big vacation. It will be fun to go back to Yancheng this time, don't rush back, haha, then I can rest for a few more days."

Speaking of this, Cui Can laughed loudly.

He is really happy, not because he can rest, but because seeing that Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing are so happy, they have both seen their parents, maybe he can drink the wedding drink if he stabilizes again.

"Well, Brother Cui, take a good rest. When we come back from Yancheng, I will bring you the specialties of my hometown. You promise you will like it!"

Ning Huanxin hung up the phone and stood silent for a moment in the living room.

That person didn't do too much this time. This was beyond Ning Huan's expectation. He turned Wen Yuqi into a fool?

At this level, the Wen family would only suspect that Wen Yuqi was the eldest lady whose temper was unbearable, and then it became like this. Maybe they would not doubt Ning Huanxin. Even if they doubted, there is no evidence, and they dare not mess around. .


This lesson is also very serious for Wen Yuqi.

The puppeteer can manipulate the soul, consume the soul, and also destroy the soul.

If Wen Yuqi's soul is destroyed and becomes idiotic, then in her life, even if she is given the elixir to her, she will not be able to get better.

This puppeteer, who has always been hidden deeply, is really a bit puzzled when he makes a shot this time.

Could it be...

Ning Huan thought of the sentence in the gift box.

Is this really a gift he gave himself? What does he want to do? Make peace with yourself? Confused? Still want to cooperate with yourself?

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