Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 817: 816: You can call me Persh (2)

"this way please!"

The man had an elegant manner, and a gentleman invited Ning Huanxin into the store: "The new products are here, and there are prices on them. Old customers can get a 10% discount. Take your time."

After speaking, the man stepped aside, quietly looking at Ning Huanxin's back.

When Ning Huanxin saw that there were so many weird and beautiful things, she couldn't help but smiled and selected them very carefully.

After choosing for a long time, she finally chose a few gadgets that she had never seen before.

"That's it, help me see how much it is, and put it in a bag."

Turning his head and handing it to the man, the man beside him just smiled faintly.

At this moment, I don't know if I have adapted to the dim lights in the store. When Ning Huanxin looked up again, he saw a blue in the man's eyes.

"your eyes……"

Ning Huanxin was a little curious.

Because the outline of the man’s facial features is very deep, and his eyes are a little blue, a bit like...

"I'm a half-blood, by the way, you can call me Pesh."

The man still smiled at Ning Huanxin politely, and even Ning Huanxin was in a trance.

The man's smile seemed to be magical.

He is very dangerous.

"No wonder you look so handsome, you turned out to be a mixed race."

Ning Huanxin recovered himself, and whispered as he took out his wallet.

"A total of two hundred and forty-seven yuan. I will charge you two hundred. After all, she is such a beautiful lady."

At this time, Pesh packed all the gifts and handed them to Ning Huanxin with a smile.

Ning Huanxin took it casually, and accidentally touched Pesh's fingertips. His fingers were... actually colder than ice cubes.

After paying the money, Ning Huanxin took the gift and left. Although she was a little confused, she didn't stay much longer.

And after Ning Huanxin left, Pesh sat back on the chair in the store, with beautiful and charming eyes hanging down, and the corners of his lips with a smile that no one could resist——

Human monk, I didn't expect to meet so soon.

You really are a frequent visitor here.

Pesh smiled very charmingly. Since he is a guest here, he naturally has to take care of him and must not be careless.


Ning Huanxin came out of the pedestrian street with a lot of things in his hand, and when he returned to the apartment, he saw Jiang Lixing again.

"Ah OK!"

"came back?"

Jiang Lixing smiled softly at Ning Huanxin: "Bought a lot of things? Are you planning to take them home?"

"Well, not all, why, do you have time today?"

As Ning Huanxin said, she took out the spare room card of her apartment: "Here, you take this one."


Jiang Lixing smiled and took the room card. When he got close to Ning Huan's heart, he suddenly stared slightly and frowned.

"what happened?"

Ning Huanxin asked.

"It's nothing, you are cold, come in quickly."

Jiang Lixing raised his hand and half-wrapped Ning Huanxin in his arms, and said softly.

He just felt a special breath on Ning Huanxin's body.

That is... the breath of blood.

Yenching, there is actually a blood clan? And this vicissitudes of life, Jiang Lixing can be sure that this is a noble blood family, but why is he hidden in the urban area of ​​Yanjing?

"Shall we go to Xiaodie's house tonight? I'll call Uncle Xie."

As soon as Ning Huanxin entered the room, she put things away while talking.

After all, since she and Jiang Lixing were together, Xie Guang had always cared very much, and wanted to see Jiang Lixing. But these days, Ning Huan was busy going around and really didn't have much time.

And now, she could finally stop and breathe a sigh of relief.

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