Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 832: 832: You can't drink alcohol indiscriminately (1)

Ning Huan's eyes flashed when she heard his mother's question.

She doesn't know how to tell her parents about her experience, is she going to talk about the WeChat group of the underworld? Will they worry about themselves?

After all, it's still dangerous to do WeChat tasks, and...I'm still involved in three outstanding cases.

Ning Huan changed his mind and decided to conceal some of the facts and not let his parents worry about themselves.

"I have had a wonderful life this time. I have run through dragons, filmed TV series, and went to the Jiang family banquet. I..."

Ning Huanxin spoke slowly, starting from his first job after leaving home, of course he reported good news but not bad news.

Gu Qianliang and Ning Huawei both looked serious and listened quietly to Ning Huanxin's words.

When Jiang Lixing prepared the food, he saw Ning Huanxin sitting in the living room chatting with his parents.

Ning Huawei and Gu Qianliang both sat aside attentively at this time, listening to Ning Huanxin's narration. The two of them occasionally frowned and occasionally smiled happily, seeming to have completely integrated into the experiences Ning Huanxin said.

A family of three enjoyed it all.

Jiang Lixing stood aside and smiled. He didn't alarm the three of them. Instead, he silently brought the cooked cold dishes and the freshly fried small stir-fry to the dining table aside.

When the dishes in the pot were ready, Jiang Lixing worked a few more times to fill up the entire table. The dishes on one table were delicious in color, fragrance and flavor.

"Uncle, aunt, joy!"

At this time, Jiang Lixing took off his apron, adjusted his sleeves and walked to the living room with a smile.

"The rice and vegetables are ready, it's time to eat!"

"That's it soon!"

Hearing Jiang Lixing's words, Ning Huanxin immediately stopped telling, and jumped up from the sofa: "I'll go take a look!"

"Little greedy cat."

Ning Huawei whispered from the side: "I heard that eating is faster than anyone else! But...I can smell the fragrance!"

With that said, Ning Huawei turned his head and glanced at Jiang Lixing: "Axing's craftsmanship looks really good!"

Just smelling the scent makes people feel like eating it.

"If uncle likes it, you and aunt will eat more, tell me what you want to eat, and I will make it for you tomorrow!"

In front of the future father-in-law and mother-in-law, Jiang Lixing's posture was super low and his tone was particularly gentle.

A proper all-round son-in-law.

"How embarrassed then? You are a guest after all."

Gu Qianliang smiled and whispered.

"Then aunt and uncle don't treat me as a guest, just as a family."

Jiang Lixing had deep eyes and a calm smile.

Ning Huawei and Gu Qianliang both froze for a while, and then they looked at each other and smiled: "Okay, it's a family, a family! Let's go, eat!"

"Axing, can you drink? You can have two drinks with me!"

Ning Huawei was happy, and took Jiang Lixing to the wine cabinet next to the restaurant: "Let's see what you like to drink?"

Ning Huawei’s wine cabinet is filled with fine wines, top-quality red wines, and aged white wines.


Jiang Lixing said lightly. It was time for him to go to Xie's house and Xie Guang for dinner. Xie Guang once said that Ning Huawei did not like to drink red wine and had always loved Moutai.

"Okay, yes, worthy of being my son-in-law."

Hearing Jiang Lixing’s words, Ning Huawei was very happy. Now these young people, especially every time he goes to a business party, the group of people hold red wine and feel that they are very high-spirited and taste very high. Seriously, Father Ning just can't get used to it.

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