Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 849: 849: The little evil inside

"Don't see you, please, take these two friends upstairs to choose a room."

At this time, Gu Qianliang spoke slowly.

"Axing, you and I can go to the kitchen and have a look."


Jiang Lixing nodded and followed Gu Qianliang to the kitchen.

"Axing, that female ghost she..."

"Auntie, that is the contract ghost servant that Huanxin just received!"

In front of Gu Qianliang, Jiang Lixing didn't have to hide it.

Hearing Jiang Lixing’s words, Gu Qianliang was slightly surprised. She was cultivating in Gu’s family since she was a child, and she naturally knew what the contract ghost servant was all about, but...

"Huanxin, she has just started practicing, can she send this female ghost with her cultivation base? I think she has a thousand years of cultivation base! She has very strong spiritual power."

Gu Qianliang was a little worried. Hearing what she said, Jiang Lixing just smiled faintly.

"Before I met Huanxin, she was just a ghost with insufficient spiritual power and will soon be wiped out. Auntie, how strong Huanxin is and how talented is against the sky, in the future...you will naturally know."

In this world, Jiang Lixing feels that he is the person who understands Ning Huanxin best, and she does not even know some of her potential, but Jiang Lixing knows it clearly.

Hearing Jiang Lixing's words, Gu Qianliang hesitated for a moment, but nodded.

"Okay, Ahang, I believe you."

Gu Qianliang had never asked Jiang Lixing who he was from the beginning to the end. In fact, he really didn't care what identity he had and how strong he was.

What she cares about is whether Jiang Lixing is good to Ning Huan and whether he can protect her.


At this time, Ning Huanxin had arranged Mo Yu and Mo Xiao. The two had been together for a thousand years, and they had already used heaven and earth as the matchmaker to get married.

Since it was a husband and wife, Ning Huanxin naturally arranged the two in the same room.

It’s just that she is actually a little bit evil in her heart——

This, ghosts and people, how do they have sex?


I am very pure, I can't think of things like rolling the sheets.

"Hey, what do you think?"

At this moment, Jiang Lixing didn't know when he stood behind Ning Huan's mind, and suddenly asked her.


Ning Huan was startled, she stared and patted her chest: "Axing, you scared me, when did you come here?"

"There is nothing wrong with the kitchen, so I'll come upstairs to have a look? What about Mo Yu and others?"

"The husband and wife are packing things in the room and changing clothes!"

Speaking of this, Ning Huan's eyes flashed, and he took Jiang Li to the door of the study, and directly led him into the study. The space in the study was not too big, but it was enough.

"Axing, you said Mo Xiao is a ghost and Mo Yu is a human. If they are together, can they... have offspring?"

Ning Huanxin looked at Jiang Lixing with a curious look.


Jiang Lixing suddenly smiled at Ning Huanxin: "If you are a human being, am I... a ghost?"


Ning Huan was taken aback and looked at Jiang Lixing in surprise.

"what did you say?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly asked intently.

"Nothing, I was joking. Did you forget? In fact, Mo Yu is not a person in the strict sense, so when two people are together, Mo Xiao's ghostly spirit will not harm his body at all, but It’s a tonic. As for the offspring..."

When Jiang Lixing said this, he suddenly bullied himself forward and smiled mysteriously at Ning Huanxin: "Huaxin, what are you doing so caring about the affairs of other people's husband and wife? Do you like children? We can give birth to a few more, ten or eight. I don't mind, I raised it."

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