Whether it was Mo Yu's righteous help, or Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing's helping hand when she was on the verge of dispersal, Mo Xiao was full of hope for the future.

Even though she is only a lonely ghost now, she still feels satisfied.


She would also accompany Mo Yu, and accompany Ning Huanxin on a longer and longer journey!

"Okay, now we are all our own people, what are you polite, go and clean up the room, I will also clean up here."

Ning Huanxin’s voice interrupted Mo Xiao’s thoughts, and she and Mo Yu went to 1304 next door with their room card.

At this time, Ning Huanxin also went back to the bedroom and put her suitcase on the bed.

When she returned to Yancheng this time, she also bought a lot of things. It can be said that there was nothing in the suitcase when she went, but when she came back, it was full.

When Ning Huanxin opened her suitcase, she was taken aback.

There is actually a photo at the top.

Ning Huanxin had seen this photo when she was a child, and the background on the photo was the Yuhaishan Gu's family.

The owners of the gardens on Yuhai Mountain are not static. As many families fall, as many new families rise up, and often change owners.

Over the years, the only thing that hasn't changed is the Gu family halfway through the mountain. The Gu family who guards the dragon vein has always been halfway through the Yuhai Mountain, and the nine-star plate dragon pillar at the door has never moved.

Is this photo that my mother put in her suitcase?

Ning Huanxin was a little shocked, she didn't even know about it.

Picking up the photo and looking at it a few times, Ning Huan carefully turned the photo over, her eyes condensed, and there was actually a line on the back of the photo.

The time when the photo was taken is written on it, and a name is written on it-

Gu Qianliang.

Seeing the name in the photo, Ning Huanxin felt her heart beating faster and breathing harder.

It turns out that my mother is really a family member.

Gu Qianliang, Gu Qianchen.

Are mother and Uncle Gu... sister and brother?

Mother didn't tell herself who she was, but quietly put the photo in her suitcase.


Is she not knowing how to tell herself?

Or does she hope she can personally uncover the mystery of this confusing life experience?

"Mom, don't worry, I won't let you down."

Ning Huanxin took the photo, carefully put it in the drawer beside the bed, and put it away. Then he turned to pack other clothes. It has been more than half an hour after Ning Huanxin put everything away.

This season, the weather outside is a bit cold, and the room is even more humid.

Ning Huanxin turned on the air conditioner again, turned the temperature up, and then returned to the living room, sitting quietly on the sofa.

Li Chongzhen is back. Where did he go during his disappearance? Why do people become so haggard?

Does Yuye know he is back?

Ning Huan thought for a long time. Although everyone around him was suspicious, Li Chongzhen didn't seem to be that mysterious person.

Moreover, listening to Yuye's words, although Li Chongzhen and her are hostile, there are stories between them, or there is a big misunderstanding between them.

It's a pity that the guy Yuye doesn't leave a contact information every time, so he can only wait for her to show up.

Ning Huanxin sighed, and leaned back on the sofa, slowly closing his eyes——

Now that she has returned to Yanjing, she has to plan carefully.

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