Ning Huanxin carefully clicked the phone screen again, and an introduction immediately appeared under the chain——

Demon Chain: A magic weapon that can capture monsters and evil spirits. Users need to input their own spiritual power to catch all kinds of monsters and ghosts that are one level lower than their own cultivation level.

Huh? It turns out that this thing is called the chain of demon chains, is it a copycat version of the chain of immortals?

The immortal chain can trap the immortal clan, but this demon chain can deal with demons and ghosts except the immortal clan.

This is really good stuff!

Ning Huanxin clicked again, and the demon chain was immediately included in her WeChat warehouse.

It's a fool's wit: Thank you, Brother Bai, you are so kind! I am embarrassed to accept it without merit.

Ning Huanxin immediately sent a message to Bai Wuchang, expressing his gratitude.

After a while, Bai Wuchang returned a message to Ning Huanxin.

Bai Wuchang: You're welcome.

Uh, Bai Ge really maintains his cold image at all times, and he can no longer control himself.

Ning Huanxin smiled, did not reply to him again, and was afraid to disturb him. At this moment, suddenly her mobile phone rang again.

Don't know what day it is today?

Ning Huanxin returned to the homepage and immediately saw the message Heiwuchang had sent to herself——

Heiwuchang: Xiaohuanxin, I saw the picture you took of Xiaobai, so handsome, next time you want to ask someone for help, don’t forget to use the summoning card I gave you, brother, me ready anytime.

Well, it is always ready.

Hei Wuchang is very envious of Bai Wuchang. This guy went to Yangjian, ate delicious food, took photos, and bought many Yangjian specialties for everyone. What's more, his Highness Hades came back yesterday and called Bai alone. Impermanence went to my office and didn't know what task was assigned. Now Lord Qin Guang Wang seemed to trust Bai Impermanence.

Originally there were no secrets between the partners, but since going to Yangjian once, Bai Wuchang has become mysterious. Sometimes he asks him something, but he doesn't answer.

I can see it with the IQ of impermanence--

There is something in it.

It's just...what's the matter?

Master Pluto asked Bai Wuchang to do something for him? Is it related to Xiao Huanxin?

Hei Wuchang is actually very gossip in his heart, but unfortunately, he couldn't ask anything, so he just saw Bai Wuchang and Ning Huanxin sending a message, he immediately sent a message to Ning Huanxin.

I deliberately reminded Ning Huan to ask for help if I had something.

At this moment, Ning Huanxin saw the news of the black impermanence, and immediately smiled and sent him a message back.

It's a dead end: Thank you, old man, if I have any needs, I will definitely ask you for help. I will never be polite with you.

Heiwuchang: Haha, that's good.

With Ning Huanxin's reply, Hei Wuchang was relieved.

Of course, in fact, in addition to wanting to perform well, his best hope is to go to Yangjian for a leisurely walk...


After returning from Yan Cheng, Ning Huanxin has been eating with Mo Yu Mo Xiao, of course Mo Yu and Mo Xiao cook, both of them are master chefs.

Ning Huanxin was still very embarrassed to open her mouth as a fan.

So tonight she specifically called two people and drove them out.

"I will take you to a good place to eat in a while."

Ning Huanxin whispered while driving.

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