Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 863: 863: What is my way?

Red Road?

Ning Huanxin felt thoughtful when he heard Chang Ziang's words.

Three thousand avenues, there is definitely more than one way to success, and Chang Ziang’s Hongchen Dao, it can be said that the sword among the Buddhist monks has gone slant.

Chang Ziang has his own way and his own way, so even if he is in the red dust, his spiritual platform is very firm and his cultivation base is also very strong.


What is my own way?

Ning Huan couldn't help falling into thought.

Seeing Ning Huan's contemplative appearance, Chang Ziang made a silent gesture at Mo Yu and Mo Xiao.

In fact, Chang Ziang had long noticed that Ning Huanxin's talent was definitely not ordinary, but she seemed to have just practiced recently and had not yet found her own way.

A person can only find a job that suits him and his life if he finds his own strengths.

And a monk must also understand his own mind before he can find his own way.

Ning Huanxin just heard Chang Ziang's words before she entered the realm of epiphany, which is really rare!


Peerless talent! It's a pity... it's a woman.

It is a pity that Buddhism saves all sentient beings and recruits destined people, but does not accept female disciples.

Chang Ziang sighed, then turned his head to look at Mo Yu and Mo Xiao. It was strange to be alone with Ning Huanxin. It seemed that Ning Huanxin still had many secrets.

There were four people sitting at the dining table, but the atmosphere at this time was very silent, very strange.

Until a moment later, Ning Huan came back to his senses.

"Sorry, I just lost my mind."

Ning Huanxin suddenly smiled at Chang Ziang.

"It's okay."

Chang Ziang smiled indifferently. At this time, Zhang Yuanjian was already serving food.

Recently, Boss Shen’s cooking skills seem to have improved again, maybe because something happened at home, he can only forget the sad things that he doesn’t want to think about now.

"Okay, let's start eating, the temple of the five internal organs of the little monk is empty."

Chang Ziang was as polite as ever, but Ning Huanxin looked at him, this strange monk with verbosity didn't seem to be as annoying as he thought.


He may be stronger and more powerful than he thought.

Halfway through the meal, Chang Ziang suddenly received a call and left with Zhang Yuanjian.

Ning Huanxin heard the caller called by Chang Ziang as senior, and his senior seemed to tell Chang Ziang to pick up people at the station, as if some disciple had come to Yanjing.

Could it be...

Chang Ziang's teacher also participates in Yanjing's Xuanmen Newcomer Competition?

"the host."

At this time, Mo Xiao whispered: "Master, I can feel that the aura of Yanjing as a whole has been very complicated and chaotic recently, and it seems that there have been a lot of people in the Profound Sect.


Ning Huanxin nodded: "This matter has nothing to do with us. If people do not offend me, I will not offend people. As long as they don't take the initiative to provoke us. Go home."

Ning Huanxin planned to go to the hot spring resort in the suburbs alone with Yue Xinyi, but he was not worried about leaving Mo Yu and the others in the apartment, so it was safest to leave them in Gu's house.

After eating, Ning Huanxin checked out and took Mo Yu and Mo out of the restaurant. As soon as he walked to the door of the restaurant, a woman wearing sunglasses was greeted with a slim figure and white skin, although she could not see clearly wearing sunglasses. Face, but it must be a very beautiful person.

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