Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 865: 865: Asking for help from Gu's family (1)

"The aura here is so plentiful! It is more than a thousand years ago!"

At the gate of Gu's house, Mo Yu's expression was strange.

In this era of lack of aura, why is there such a strong aura here? This is too unusual.

He got out of the car and used a spell to bounce off the rain on the side, looking strangely and intently at the Jiuxing Panlongzhu at the door of Gu's house.

These pillars...

At this time, Ning Huanxin also got out of the car, she slowly released the spiritual power in her body, and her spiritual power resonated with that of Yuhaishan.

The faint aura formed an aura cover, covering Ning Huanxin's body inside, so the raindrops did not splash on Ning Huanxin's body.

"Let's go."

Ning Huanxin said that she had already reached the gate of Gu's family. She took out the pocket card that Gu Qianchen had given herself from her bag. Sure enough, the people from the Gu family saw the pocket card and directly welcomed Ning Huanxin respectfully.

As soon as Ning Huanxin walked into Gu's house, she saw a familiar figure floating over.

Today Lin Qiuhan is wearing a purple dress, she still looks very beautiful.

"Haixin, you are back!"

Lin Qiuhan had already felt Ning Huanxin's breath, so he came to the front yard of Gu's house early to welcome Ning Huanxin.


Seeing the two figures behind Ning Huan's mind, Lin Qiuhan condensed.

Ghost servant?

She was surprised.

It has only been a few days since Ning Huanxin actually took a ghost servant. Although her spiritual power and cultivation base are far worse than her own, this is only a thousand-year-old ghost!

Cultivate well, definitely a good helper.


Lin Qiuhan has discovered that this ghost servant and Ning Huanxin are the most unequal master-servant contract, and this kind of contract is a big taboo for these ghosts.

Because of the signing of this contract, the life and death of oneself are all in the hands of others.

Even though Lin Qiuhan was seriously injured, what she and Gu's family signed was only an equal ghost servant contract.

Unexpectedly...Ning Huanxin had such a skill and opportunity to allow a thousand-year-old ghost to sign a master-servant contract with him.

"Sister Qiuhan, what's wrong?"

Seeing Lin Qiuhan staring at herself, Ning Huanxin suddenly smiled and asked.


Lin Qiuhan smiled charmingly. At this time, two more figures came from not far away. They were Gu Qianchen and the old man Gu who hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Haixin, you are here!"

Both of them were very happy to see Ning Huanxin. After seeing Mo Yu and Mo Xiao behind her, the two of them, like Lin Qiuhan, froze for a long time.

"Hey, this is..."

Mo Xiao was Ning Huanxin's ghost servant, they had already seen it.

As for Mo Yu...

Elder Gu stared at Mo Yu, his eyes flickered, this man couldn't tell his age, and his aura was very strange, unlike a human.

"This is my Senior Brother Mo Yu."

Ning Huanxin gave a light introduction.

She wants to take the identity of Shi Mo Yu, after all, his identity as a descendant of the Wu clan must not be revealed.

"Brother Mo Yu, this is Master Gu, and Uncle Gu!"

Ning Huanxin turned his head and introduced, and Mo Yu immediately greeted them respectfully.

"Well, since it's here, let's go in, don't stay in the yard!"

Elder Gu couldn't bear to let Ning Huanxin be poured out by the rain, although the rain did not reach her...

In the private reception room of Gu's backyard, someone immediately brought a few cups of hot tea.

"Huaxin, this is a tea made from the tea we planted ourselves. You can try it."

Old man Gu looked at Ning Huanxin with a kind face.

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