Ning Huanxin put some daily necessities that she had packed in a backpack.

Checking the time, she ran downstairs and ate another breakfast.

Perhaps it was because the rain yesterday made people unable to sleep, or because it was Saturday, so there were really few pedestrians on the street in the morning, and there were not many cars.

and so……

When Yue Xinyi drove to the side of the pedestrian street, Ning Huanxin saw her at a glance.

"Xinyi, Awei, it's been a long time!"

Ning Huanxin walked over quickly and sat in the back seat of the car.

It was Yue Xinyi who drove, and she wore a lot today, while Xu Liwei wore a beige windbreaker in the co-pilot.

"Haixin, early, are we late?"

Yue Xinyi didn't expect Ning Huanxin to wait downstairs so early, and asked a little embarrassedly.


Ning Huanxin looked down at his watch: "You are still ten minutes early. The concept of time is really strong."

"It's cooling down again today, we don't want you to wait for us."

Xu Liwei spoke lightly, his tone still so gentle.

His injury at the time seemed to have been completely healed long ago, and Ning Huanxin could also feel that the relationship between him and Yue Xinyi seemed to be better, and the two of them were really talented and beautiful, and envied others.

"Shall we go now?"

Ning Huanxin leaned on the back seat and asked, but Yue Xinyi shook her head: "Wait a minute, we have to wait for someone."

Still waiting for someone?

Ning Huanxin suddenly raised her eyes and saw a familiar figure carrying a large schoolbag on his back, rushing towards this side.

"Tang Jiyao?"

Ning Huanxin was a little surprised. Although Tang Jiyao said last time that Yue Xinyi wanted to find everyone to go to the hot spring villa, but now something happened to their villa, this time he was not going to play, why did he come?

As if he had seen Ning Huanxin’s accident, Xu Liwei on the side suddenly whispered in a low voice: "The incident at Xinyi’s house, Tang Jiyao also knows, he has been exploring secrets since he came back from Nanyun last time. He is very interested in any weird things, so... this time he also wants to take a look together."


We don't understand the world of Xueba, Ning Huanxin looked at Tang Jiyao's big schoolbag.

Don’t this Tang Xueba carry all kinds of props and books in his bag?

It turns out...

Ning Huanxin's guess is correct.

After Tang Jiyao got in the car, he greeted everyone first, and then opened his big schoolbag. Ning Huanxin saw that there were all kinds of Feng Shui, Guiguzi, Zhou Yixue, and even... he also brought one to watch Feng Shui. The compass!

Seeing Ning Huanxin looking at his schoolbag, Tang Jiyao immediately pushed his glasses and smiled faintly: "These equipments are all I bought these days and are very useful. Maybe we can use them?"

Ning Huanxin looked at the equipment of Tang Jiyao's large schoolbag, and then at the small backpack he was carrying——

In this way, he is more like a talented person who solves problems.

At this time, Yue Xinyi had already driven, because there was still water on the road and the weather was gloomy, so her speed was not fast.

There were few cars in the city this morning, passing by some places, you can still see the mess on the ground.

"The wind was very strong last night, which knocked down a lot of small trees, and there were many car accidents."

Looking at the mess on the street, Tang Jiyao suddenly whispered.

"Tang Xueba, you really care about family affairs, state affairs and the world, you care about everything!"

Yue Xinyi teased Tang Jiyao while driving.

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