"Haixin, you are back!"

Seeing Ning Huanxin and Tang Jiyao entering the door, Yue Xinyi immediately called them happily.

Something is wrong.

Obviously, Yue Xinyi was nervous and pale all morning. Why does she look so happy now?

Ning Huan frowned, glanced at Jiang Liran subconsciously, and said faintly: "Three young masters, you haven't left yet?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Liran suddenly smiled brightly: "I'm not leaving, I want to live here, by the way, if you like to live here tonight!\'


Yue Xinyi, who was on the side, shook her head first, she really had a shadow over this place.

"Heart, the matter is resolved, let's go back!"

With a relieved expression on her face, Yue Xinyi turned her head and smiled at Ning Huanxin.

"Solved? When did it happen?"

Before Ning Huanxin could answer, Tang Jiyao on the side asked with a look of surprise, they haven't found anything yet, how could the matter be solved?

"what happened?"

Ning Huanxin looked at Yue Xinyi and Xu Liwei, and asked in a low voice.

"Just now Jiang Sanshao offered a price, and my father has agreed to sell the villa to him."

Yue Xinyi said faintly, this is the way to do it once and for all, and Jiang Liran did not take advantage of the fire. When the Tianyuan Group shared how much funds to develop, Jiang Liran paid a lot of money!

Hearing such a good thing, let alone Yue Qingbo, other investors also immediately agreed to sell their shares to Jiang Liran.

Therefore, this holiday villa now belongs to Jiang Liran!

Jiang Liran knew that this place was haunted, so he did not hesitate to buy this hot spring villa for a big price?

Either he is a real fool and a lot of money.

Or, he has another plan.

Ning Huan's eyes flickered, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Then we just go back?"

Tang Jiyao seemed unwilling to find the legendary ghost.

"Go back, here, I don't want to stay one more minute."

Yue Xinyi can be regarded as letting go of the big stone in her heart at this time. In fact, she secretly came this time. Since the incident last time, Yue Qingbo has repeatedly told Yue Xinyi that she is not allowed to come here again.

But can she not worry about things in her own family?

It's good now, everything is solved perfectly.

She will never come here again, and the Yue family has gotten rid of the crisis of bankruptcy. As for the spiritual problem of the villa, that is something Jiang Sanshao should worry about.


"You guys go."

At this time, Ning Huanxin, who had been silent, suddenly raised her eyes to look at the people, and slowly said, "I just happened to be fine these two days. I think the scenery on this mountain is very good, and the village below is also very interesting. I will stay here a few more times. God, I remember someone told me just now that I can live here for free, right, boss Jiang?"

Ning Huanxin naturally said the last sentence to Jiang Liran.

Hearing her words, Jiang Liran raised his eyebrows——

Is this Ning Huanxin really bold?

Jiang Liran dared to live here because he was not afraid of ghosts. He always wore the peace jade given to him by the master, so he could avoid evil and protect his peace.

"There are a lot of hotel rooms here. You can live as you like. It doesn't matter how long you like to stay."

Jiang Liran smiled lightly at Ning Huanxin.

Since some people are willing to stay and catch ghosts for themselves for free, why not welcome them?

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