Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 886: 886: Village Chief Du Jiutian

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, the atmosphere under the old locust tree seemed even stranger.


These villagers are all weird. Why do they keep silent about that villa?

Ning Huanxin also noticed that when she mentioned the two hundred million and the compensation, the old people's faces became even stranger.

"Cough cough cough cough."

At this moment, a man in his fifties walked over slowly while coughing. He looked at Ning Huanxin and Jiang Liran with strange eyes, and then asked coldly: "What do you two do? "

"What do you do?"

Jiang Sanshao hates others condescendingly talking to himself, so he immediately asked coldly.

"I am Du Jiutian, the village head here."

Du Jiutian stared at Jiang Liran and Ning Huanxin. These two villagers looked very sneaky. They were taking pictures and chatting with villagers. Could they be... reporters?

When he thought of this, Du Jiutian's eyes became even colder.

"We are building a big project here, and outsiders can't come in casually."

Du Jiutian spoke coldly, seeming to want to drive Ning Huanxin and Jiang Liran away.

At this time, seeing Du Jiutian coming, the other old people all took their own small stools and dispersed in an instant. They went back to each house and moved extremely quickly.

At this time, only Ning Huanxin, Jiang Liran and Du Jiutian were left under the old locust tree.

"Yeah, there is a big project!"

Jiang Liran took a step forward with disdain: "The village chief? What a big official, I'm so scared, do you know who I am?"

Jiang Sanshao is used to being arrogant, and he is very high in his bones.

Seeing Jiang Liran's attitude and tone, Du Jiutian hesitated. Is this man really a big man? But the people of Tianyuan Group have received themselves, and there is no such a person!

Du Jiutian was hesitating there.

At this time, suddenly Du Jiutian's cell phone rang, and Jiang Liran and Ning Huan gave him a look, then turned and walked aside to answer the phone.

The person who called him happened to be the person in charge of a resort village that he knew better.

"Mr. Du, let alone my brother, I didn’t take care of you. According to reliable sources, our holiday villa has been sold to a young man in Yanjing, and he is now in the villa. Don’t offend him. Ah, I heard that the young man has a big background and a bigger temper!"

Du Jiutian:...

Village Chief Du suddenly had a bad feeling.

Looks like he has been offended?

Du Jiutian immediately hung up the phone, wiped the sweat from his forehead, turned his head and looked behind him with a smile. Hey, how about people?

At this time, under the old locust tree, where are the shadows of Ning Huanxin and Jiang Liran?

"Why are you pulling me back?"

On the way back to the mountain, Jiang Liran looked at Ning Huanxin with dissatisfaction.

"I'm hungry."

Ning Huan thought calmly and gave out her reasons: "I want to go back to the villa for dinner. Sister Huang said her cooking skills are very good."

Jiang Liran:...

Damn it! Jiang is rigorous, is your woman sick?

Yes, both of you are sick!

No matter how sulking Jiang Liran, and his face black, Ning Huanxin has a calm face, walking in the courtyard, seeming to completely treat Jiang Sanshao's expression as air.

When the two people went back to the resort, they saw a group of people working in the villa. Such a large villa needs to be maintained and cleaned on weekdays. It does require a lot of manpower.

Among those very old aunts, there is a touch of red that is particularly conspicuous.

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