Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 907: 907: Be careful at night!

Ning Huanxin just took a look, and quickly rushed to the bedroom window. Looking down from the window, you could still see the private hot spring pool below. It was just that the light was too dark, and it was worse than the line of sight during the day. of.


At least it can still be seen.

Ning Huanxin slowly closed her eyes, feeling that there was a shadow standing here——

He stood here just in time to see the third hot spring pool. Although the sky was very dark, he knew that the pool water was red, blood red, and full of blood.

In the pond, there was a shadow struggling and yelling, but no matter how she struggled and yelled, no one could hear her.

Ning Huanxin suddenly opened his eyes.

She knew what was going on with the blood on the wall in this room.

It seems that there is more than one "ghost" in this resort!

Ning Huanxin already had some guesses in her heart.

Of course, there are still some clues. Ning Huanxin has to wait to go back to the room to call Yue Xinyi, and then confirm it.

My heart finally felt a little bit more suddenly, Ning Huanxin walked out of the room quickly, and as soon as he walked into the corridor, he saw Jiang Liran coming out of the elevator.

He looked like he had just returned from the outside, still carrying a strong chill.

"Why are you here?"

Jiang Lixing saw that Ning Huanxin unexpectedly appeared on the 24th floor, and he was naturally a little surprised.


Ning Huanxin still felt a guilty conscience flashed in Jiang Liran's eyes.

"Where have you been in the big night?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly became a little curious.

"You care where I go! You are not me."

Jiang Liran glanced at Ning Huanxin: "Don't you still want to peep at me?" After that, he subconsciously tightened his coat tightly.

"There are ghosts on this floor, Jiang Sanshao, please pay attention to sleep at night! Don't be pressed by ghosts..."

After speaking, Ning Huanxin turned and left with a relaxed expression.

Jiang Liran:...

What's the meaning of ghost press?

This big seldom has the protection of magical instruments, and the protection of the master will not be so easy to hit ghosts.

Jiang Liran didn't take Ning Huanxin's words to heart. He took out his room card and went straight back to his suite.

Back in the room, Jiang Liran took off his coat directly, and was about to take a shower in the bathroom. When he lowered his head and took off his clothes, he saw a black stain on his shirt. Jiang Liran was suddenly shocked, his expression on his face. It's strange.

"Can't think about it, this young master is not such a casual person."

Jiang Liran muttered to himself, took off his shirt and threw it on the bed. At this moment, he was naked, and he could clearly see the jade pendant on his chest, which was actually a dragon pattern jade pendant.

Jiang Liran did not take off the jade pendant, took off all the clothes on his body, and went into the bathroom.

The master told him that this jade pendant cannot be taken off, that it cannot be taken off in a bath, or that it cannot be taken off in bed, and it is absolutely not allowed to be taken off even when rolling the bed sheet with a girl.

Jiang Sanshao still listens to the master's words, so he has been safe all these years, and he also believes that this jade pendant will definitely bless himself.

Not long after Jiang Liran entered the bathroom, there was a rushing sound from the bathroom.

At this moment, in his room, a cloud of black energy floated in from all directions, and the black energy gradually gathered together, finally forming a human form.

It is the figure that appeared under the old locust tree.

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