"Miss Ning, what are you doing in that house? No one has lived there for a long time, right?"

Du Jiutian asked.

"I'm here to have fun. By the way, I find something exciting and fun. I think the courtyard is very atmospheric, like... a haunted haunted house."

Having said this, Ning Huanxin suddenly lowered his eyes, and his face became a little strange: "I think...There is a ghost in that room, and a little boy is crying and crying all the time."


At this moment, there was a sudden scream from the room. It turned out that Zhang Cuilian didn't know when she came in. She seemed to be frightened by Ning Huanxin's words, and her face was a little pale.

"What is it called, don't scare Miss Ning!"

Du Jiutian's face sank and turned to look at Ning Huanxin: "Miss Ning, are you okay? The old lady is ignorant, making a fuss!"

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Ning Huanxin shook his head: "Actually, I was joking. There was nothing but mice and cockroaches in that room, but... I saw a photo in the room."

With that said, Ning Huanxin took out her mobile phone and found the photo she had taken.

"The village chief, take a look, is this the original family member?"

Ning Huanxin handed the mobile phone to Du Jiutian. Du Jiutian looked at the photo intently, with complicated eyes.

"Yes, this is Mr. Li's family."

"His surname is Li? Is it Li Guozheng?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly asked Du Jiutian. Du Jiutian was taken aback and shook his head.

"I don't know what his name is. Their family does not interact with the people in the village. The house at the end of the village was sold by a family who moved away. It was bought by Mr. Li's family somehow, but their family is very mysterious. I didn’t go out on weekdays. It didn’t take long for the family to disappear. We all guessed that they must have moved again.”

"No, they didn't move!"

Ning Huanxin interrupted Du Jiutian with a smile suddenly.


Hearing what Ning Huanxin said, Du Jiutian was taken aback: "Miss Ning, do you know them?"

"It's a coincidence. I have an uncle who is a criminal policeman. I have accidentally seen some pictures of internet fugitives on his computer before. There is a man named Li Guozheng in it, exactly like the man in this photo."

As he said, Ning Huanxin blinked excitedly: "Just now the village chief said that the man's surname is Li, I guess it's almost the same, haha, it seems that I can receive the reward, and I will call my uncle after the meal Call and ask him to bring someone over tomorrow morning. If this is really the place where Li Guozheng lived, even if he absconded, maybe he can find some clues?"

"It turns out that Mr. Li is a fugitive?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Du Jiutian seemed surprised, and the sixth man on the side also looked unbelievable.

"Hey, we all thought he moved, but unexpectedly, he escaped!"

Having said this, Du Jiutian was taken aback, as if he had thought of something.

"The village chief, what's wrong with you?"

Ning Huanxin noticed the momentary abnormality of Du Jiutian that day, and immediately asked nervously.

"No, nothing."

Du Jiutian's eyes flashed: "I, I'm going out!"

As he said, he turned around and left quickly, and after he left, the sixth child followed out quietly.

Ning Huanxin sat in the room, turned his head and looked out the window, and saw two men standing in the yard smoking a cigarette, the fire was extinguished, the expressions of both of them seemed heavy.

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