Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 925: 925: Lead the snake out of the hole (3)

Yang Xian died on the rooftop.

When Ning Huanxin came to the hotel on the first day, she and Tang Jiyao had already walked all over the place, including this rooftop. At that time, she had found nothing.

And tonight, maybe because of the rain that just fell during the day, there are small water accumulations in many places on the rooftop.

The rooftop at night was very cold, and the cold wind was blowing.

Ning Huanxin didn't know whether she had reached the edge of the rooftop.

The whole person stood there, closing his eyes and slowly feeling, feeling the aura of the whole mountain, the aura here was much more than that in Yanjing City.

After a while, Ning Huanxin slowly opened his eyes.

This is the tallest of the three big mountains near the Red Village, and on the top floor of the hilltop hotel, you can overlook the scenery of the entire village.

If it weren't for so many doubts in her heart, Ning Huanxin really liked this place, and could practice quietly here.


She must not be able to calm down tonight.

This is destined to be a restless night.

Ning Huanxin suddenly turned his head and looked at the empty rooftop and the entrance to the rooftop.

There is only one door to and from the rooftop, and that door is now closed.

Ning Huanxin suddenly raised the corners of her lips, slowly leaving the edge of the roof and walking towards the door.

The door was locked from the inside.

Ning Huanxin was not surprised, not even panicked.

She secretly circulated her aura, and a red flame rose again in her hand, and the flame penetrated the door in an instant, and the door lock had disappeared. Only a round hole remained in the gate.

Ning Huanxin smiled, and walked downstairs calmly.

She was not in a hurry, nor did she go fast, but she looked like she had been walking leisurely.

Leaving the hotel and the villa, Ning Huanxin once again entered the village of Hongcun.

When passing by the old locust tree in the middle of the village, Ning Huanxin stopped again.

She stared at the old locust tree a few more times, with a strange light in her eyes——

The wandering souls gathered on the old locust tree seem to be... less.

Ning Huanxin paused for a moment, she just looked at it, and did not approach the tree.

After a few minutes, she turned her head and walked quickly towards the preserved egg house.

Closer, closer.

The preserved egg's home is at the end of the village, far away from other people's homes, but now the whole yard is still closed.

Ning Huanxin stood at the door and gently pushed the door, which was locked from inside.

There are people in the room.

Ning Huanxin smiled silently, turned around and jumped in silently from the courtyard wall.

For an ancient martial artist, it is really too easy to get over the wall.

In the room, the preserved eggs are still asleep.

At this time of the day, he is sleeping.

Ghosts do not need to rest or sleep, but preserved eggs are more regular than human beings. Every day when the sun goes up, they must go to sleep.

Why is that?

Perhaps another person in the room can give us the answer.

At this time, in the small bedroom of the preserved egg, there was a dark figure, and he was lying under the bed, covered with dust.

"Uncle, don't turn it over."

At this time, a cold female voice suddenly came from behind the shadow.

The black shadow stopped for a moment, and his tall body stiffened in an instant.

Ning Huanxin turned on the flashlight of her mobile phone, and the small room had a flash of brightness in an instant.


Ning Huanxin watched the figure gradually turn around, it was the sixth.

At this time, the sixth child had lost the honesty and sincerity of the day, with a cold expression on his face, looking at Ning Huanxin with ferocious eyes.

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