Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 932: 932: The police arrive

The police car in Yixian County stopped outside Li Guozheng's house. A group of policemen cautiously rushed in. As soon as they entered the door, they saw Ning Huanxin sitting in a chair.

There is no electricity in the room, the light is very dark, and the only light source is Ning Huanxin's mobile phone.

As a result, now a large group of people rushed in, flashlights chaotically, Ning Huan couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

"It's the police you called? Where is the suspect?"

The lead policeman glanced at Ning Huanxin who was extremely calm and asked subconsciously.

"I was knocked out, in the house, and... there is a cellar under the bed in that house, and there should be a little boy's bone in it!"

Ning Huanxin's tone was light, with a calm expression on his face.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, the man concentrated slightly, and immediately raised his hand to make a gesture, and let his men come in and have a look.

"Miss, please cooperate with us, you need to be with us..."

"This is my identification."

Ning Huanxin interrupted the man suddenly, and then took out his ID from his pocket, which was much more useful than an ID.

Three outstanding cases!

Seeing this document, the man was taken aback.

What department is this? He hadn't even heard of it, but looking at the calm look of the woman in front of him, it didn't seem to be a fake?

"team leader."

At this time, suddenly a young police officer walked over with a strange expression and whispered in the man's ear.

The man's expression was even more startled.

"Are you...Miss Ning?"

At this time, the man had opened Ning Huanxin's ID, with her name on it.

Hearing the man's words, Ning Huanxin lightly raised her eyes and nodded. It turned out that there were fans in the police force.

"It's me. Since the police officer knows me, it would be easier to handle it. First of all, I am not a liar. Second, my identity of the three outstanding cases is absolutely confidential. I hope you don't disclose it at will. Discipline violation is minor, but investigation is a major matter. Also... if the police officer has any doubts about my credentials and identity, you can ask your boss or your boss’s boss for verification. I believe they should be able to give you the answer you want."

When Ning Huanxin's words came out, the headed man took a deep breath.

"Miss Ning, what is your identity? How could I doubt it? My name is Chi Hui, and I am the person in charge of this operation."

Chi Hui respectfully returned Ning Huanxin's credentials to her at this time.

At this time, his subordinates had taken the sixth child out of the back room, and he was still in a coma.


"Here, Miss Ning, what happened?"

At this time, Du Jiutian hurried in from outside, and when he saw the situation in the house, Du Jiutian was also at a loss.

Didn’t you mean to search for clues to Li Guozheng?

Why are there so many police officers? And why is the sixth child here?

"who are you?"

Chi Hui asked Du Jiutian coldly when he saw Du Jiutian. The police officers on the side also looked on guard, as if they would step forward to control him at any time.

Du Jiutian really saw this scene for the first time. He stabilized his mind and then slowly said, "Police officer, I, I am the chief of this village, what happened?"

village head?

Chi Hui glanced at Du Jiutian, and then said coldly: "You have a murder case here. We have to send someone to protect the scene. It is great that you are the village head. We will continue to investigate here tomorrow. Call the people in the village to provide us with some useful clues, and the police and the people cooperate!"

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