Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 936: 936: We are trying out

Ning Huan looked thoughtfully at the direction where Huang Xiaoling and Liang Ruobing were leaving.

In fact, she saw it just now. Sister Huang glanced at her, her eyes were cold and...hateful.

It should be the people in the village, I know, I called the police to arrest Liang Laoliu.

It seems that I might become a public enemy of the whole village.

"Liu Yun."

Ning Huanxin glanced at Liu Yun suddenly: "I won't go to the restaurant for a while. You call room service for me."

"Okay, I know Miss Ning."

Liu Yun nodded when she heard Ning Huanxin's words, but could not help looking at Jiang Liran with a strange look when she left.

"What's up with her?"

Seeing Liu Yun leaving, Jiang Liran asked Ning Huanxin inexplicably.

Obviously yesterday, the little girl looked at this young master and her eyes were shy, gentle and full of worship!

How did the style of painting change today?

Is it because the police came in the village?

I rely on! Didn't the police find the young master?

When Jiang Liran looked tangled, Ning Huanxin on the side had already turned around and ran back to the hotel along the same road.

Back to his room, Ning Huanxin took a good wash, and it didn't take long before breakfast was delivered.

It was delivered by Liu Yun himself.

"Miss Ning, your breakfast!"

"Thank you."

Ning Huanxin smiled at Liu Yun, but Liu Yun was a little hesitant to speak.

"what happened?"

As if feeling her strangeness, Ning Huanxin immediately raised her eyes and asked Liu Yun with a smile.

"Miss Ning, you...you and the third young master?"

Liu Yun didn't know what to say. She liked Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing very much.


Hearing what Liu Yun said, Ning Huanxin suddenly leaned against Liu Yun's ear and whispered.

"I'm going to make a movie in a while, and the third master is helping me try it out. This is a secret. Don't tell anyone, you know?"

"Okay, I get it now!"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Liu Yun immediately nodded vigorously, and subconsciously pressed the corners of her lips.

It turned out to be a trial show!

No wonder I just saw the two of them behave so close outside.

At this time, Liu Yun finally felt comfortable in her heart.

"Miss Ning, eat slowly, I will go out first!"

With that, Liu Yun turned around and left happily.

Seeing Liu Yun's back, Ning Huan stared at her, and squinted her eyes.

It seems Liu Yun seems to care about Jiang Liran?

Somehow, Ning Huanxin thought of Li Luoshi again, a woman who was trained so strong, and would eventually fall in love with Jiang Liran.

Could it be... Jiang Sanshao still has a hidden heartthrob physique?

However, speaking of Jiang Liran being fierce to himself, aloof, and really gentle and attentive to other little girls. He is young and handsome and has such a status. It seems that it is not incomprehensible that those little girls will like him.

Ning Huanxin shook his head, and he didn't want to study this anymore, and had enough breakfast.

I don't know what will happen today.

After eating breakfast, Ning Huanxin stayed in her room, meditating peacefully until the guest room phone in the room suddenly rang.

Ning Huanxin opened her eyes suddenly, and the spiritual energy around her body disappeared in an instant.


She answered the phone, and Liu Yun's nervous voice came from the other end of the phone: "Miss Ning, there is a police officer Chi in the lobby, he wants to see you!"

Chi Hui is here!

Hearing Liu Yun's words, Ning Huanxin smiled slightly: "Okay, I get it, I will go down immediately!"

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