Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 943: 943: Wildflowers in the Back Mountain

Ning Huan turned around calmly, and when he left, he suddenly shook his hand at Du Jiutian: "I still want to eat Aunt Zhang’s stewed goose in an iron pan. In the future, I will bring my friends to your house for a meal. of!"

With that said, Ning Huanxin left in stride.

"Thank you."

Du Jiutian muttered to himself, quietly watching Ning Huanxin's figure, gradually disappearing from his sight.

Miss Ning, thank you.

Thank you for your willingness to help us keep that shameful secret.


Ning Huanxin returned to the mountain and arrived at the resort hotel. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Jiang Liran holding a large bouquet of wild flowers in his hand and looking at himself with a smile.

"You're back? Look at this? Do you like it? I picked it for you myself!"

Jiang Liran looked at Ning Huanxin with a smile, and without hesitation, handed the bunch of wild flowers to Ning Huan's arms, with mud on it.

Ning Huanxin:...

This guy must be deliberate. He said he would act with her, but he added to himself without authorization.

Liu Yun, who had been in the lobby, saw Jiang Liran's movements, but she couldn't help being so curious at first.

Ms. Ning said that this is a rehearsal of the new drama's rival drama. Tsk tsk, it seems that it should be an idol drama. I don't know who the actor is?

Will the director invite Jiang Lixing?

Before she knew it, Liu Yun started her YY.

At this time, Ning Huanxin smiled and took the flowers and made some mud.


She stared suddenly, looking at the little purple wild flowers.

"This flower is very beautiful. Why haven't I seen this wild flower when I have been walking on the mountain recently? Where did you pick it?"

Ning Huan looked at Jiang Liran and asked curiously.


Hearing Ning Huanxin's question, Jiang Liran smiled triumphantly: "Who am I? It's in the back mountain, don't you know? There is still a way down the mountain behind our villa."

Back mountain?

Ning Huan was taken aback for a moment. Because the entire resort resort occupies almost the entire top of the mountain, she never paid attention to the back mountain, and she hadn't been there in these two days.

"How do you get to the back mountain, how did you find such a remote place?"

Ning Huanxin glanced at Jiang Liran and asked strangely.

"Of course... I discovered it myself."

Jiang Liran's eyes flashed: "Forget it, let's not talk about it. Let's talk about the Liang Laoliu case. The dead policeman just refused to tell me. Tell me, what is going on in that case?"

"Unexpectedly, San Young Master, you are so gossip!"

Ning Huanxin blinked: "You want to know about the case, it's okay, why don't we make an offer, how about we exchange?"

There are conditions?

Nima, this woman should be doing business. Being an actor is a waste of talent.

"What conditions?"

Jiang Liran asked casually, he was actually ready, too outrageous conditions, no way! No windows!

"Actually, this condition is very simple. Only the Third Young Master can do it. I hope that-after all the problems of the Villa are resolved, you can give priority to the Third Young Master in hiring villagers from Hongcun, so that many villagers don't have to go out to work."

Now the Red Village is too remote, and the Holiday Villa has not been able to operate normally. Even if someone wants to come back to work, there are not so many locations, and they are also afraid that they will not work long.

If the villa catches fire in the future, it will naturally be another scene.

It can even drive the economy of the entire village.

"That's it?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Liran looked surprised. Isn't this condition too simple?

[7th more] I just went to school to pick up the child, and accompanied her to the injection in the afternoon. In addition, the author Jun was also infected and went to see a doctor in the afternoon. Let’s change 7 today. Shuhuang recommends a super good-looking gourmet article "Admiral Abstinence, Sweetheart!" 》Author Cherry Little Mengzi

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