Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 945: 945: Before leaving

Ning Huanxin hadn't really paid attention to the remote back door of the hotel.

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s question, Liu Yun nodded immediately: “Yes, but the back door is where the restaurant dumps garbage on weekdays. The general manager said that the guests coming from the villa are either rich or expensive. Guest room garbage cannot be taken from the main entrance, which will affect the mood of the guests. So when the hotel was built, a back door was opened. There is also a way down the mountain outside the back door. There is a garbage dump in the back mountain, which is dedicated to dumping the garbage in the hotel. Said that someone will clean it up regularly."

Speaking of this, Liu Yun knew very well.

"Okay, thank you, I'll go and see."

Ning Huanxin nodded, she searched the back of the lobby for a long time, and finally found the back door. Maybe it was not when it was time to take out the garbage, the back door was still locked.

This is the back door that Jiang Liran said, a shortcut to the back mountain.


Why is Jiang Sanshao curious about this place?

Is he also investigating the hotel?

Also... When he mentioned Houshan, he seemed to look away a little, did he meet anyone in Houshan?

Ning Huanxin slowly closed his eyes, thinking of the information that he asked Ji Yuyang to check for himself last time.

Ji Yuyang found the information of those employees who voluntarily resigned. There are detailed records about why everyone resigned and what happened during their employment.

Ning Huanxin went through all the information in her mind.

She already knew it in her heart.

Went around from the back door, Ning Huanxin went to the front desk where Liu Yun was, and couldn't help but speak to her: "Tomorrow, I will leave with the third young master, Liu Yun, tell Sister Huang that they will cook more sumptuous dinner in the evening. Let's say goodbye to everyone!"

"Leave so soon?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Liu Yun was taken aback, and finally nodded vigorously.

"I know what to do, Miss Ning can rest assured."


Ning Huanxin nodded at Liu Yun before turning around and leaving the hotel.

Outside the hotel, the sky was very dark and the sun had already set.

The evening breeze made people feel a little bit cold, so Ning Huanxin stretched out his limbs and ran lightly in the villa.

After running to the gate of the villa, Ning Huan stood quietly on the top of the mountain, watching the smoke curling down the mountain. At this time, the villagers down the mountain began to make dinner.

Ning Huanxin put her hands in her pockets and suddenly felt something in her pocket.

She took out the thing. This was the amulet Xu Liwei gave her specially before going down the mountain.


Ning Huanxin's eyes flickered. In fact, she had a hunch that the moment she saw the amulet, Ning Huanxin's guess in her heart became clearer.

From the dead technician Yang Xian, to Yin Han who fell into the water, to Xu Liwei and Yue Xinyi who lived in the top floor suite.

Ning Huanxin guessed that if Xu Liwei didn't have the amulet, it might not be Yue Xinyi, but him!

From killing people directly to pushing people into the water, in the end they just scared Yue Xinyi. The fatalities of these things are strange, and they actually plummet.

And what is the connection among these things?

Ning Huanxin vaguely guessed the connection, especially after Ji Yuyang passed some information to her, combined with the confessions of those who resigned, Ning Huanxin knew something.

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