Speaking of this past event, the man’s voice became excited: “I can’t keep that person and continue to brutalize Ruo Bing, so... I killed him. He was killed by me, not because of sudden illness. After killing him , I left Ruo Bing’s body, Ruo Bing has passed out, she was too irritated and frightened, her whole body has been high fever, I was worried at that time, every night to see Ruo Bing, that’s that At that time, she actually saw me!"

"who are you?"

"I'm here to protect you."

"Are you... daddy?"

A man can never forget that scene. The innocent little girl, in countless nights, secretly crying and praying secretly, hoping to see her father who has passed away for many years, hoping that she can be protected by her father.

But now, she was so sick that she saw a black shadow, thinking that it was her father, and his father's undead had been protecting herself.

"Yes, I am your father, and I will always protect you, but this is our secret and cannot be told to anyone!"

At that moment, he felt that he was her father.

"Dad? Daddy."

Hearing the man's answer, Liang Ruobing smiled happily.


Because of that high fever and that accident, Liang Ruobing didn't get the best treatment, and her IQ regressed and became a few years old.

But she was simpler and happier in that way.


As she grew older, a lot of troubles followed.

"You killed Yang Xian, and he also wanted to betray Liang Ruobing, didn't he?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly asked.

Among the strange things in the villa, only Yang Xian was dead, and the strange things that others encountered were more like warnings and were not endangered to their lives.

Moreover, Ning Huanxin found blood in the suite on the 24th floor last time. She thought at that time, did someone go to the room at that time and wanted to intimidate Yue Xinyi and Xu Liwei?

Perhaps, that person just wanted to intimidate Xu Liwei?

Because Xu Liwei had a talisman on his body, his plan couldn't be implemented. As a last resort, he turned to intimidate Yue Xinyi!

And before Yue Xinyi is Yin Han.

Yin Han, Ning Huanxin, still knows a little bit. He likes to molest when he sees beautiful women. Although he is not a bad person, he is indeed a bit lustful.

And Yang Xian is also a man.

In fact, Ning Huanxin secretly guessed before that, could the things in the villa have something to do with...women?

And it must be a beautiful, young girl.

Now in the villa, only Liu Yun and Liang Ruobing are both beautiful and young.

As mentioned in the information Ji Yuyang gave him, some people resigned because they insulted Huang Xiaoling and Liang Ruobing, and later encountered strange things.

Therefore, Ning Huanxin focused on Liang Ruobing's body.

"You are just a lonely soul."

At this time, Ning Huanxin continued to speak in a low voice: "You can increase your cultivation level by devouring other wandering souls, but you can only transform a black shadow, and you can't even transform your face, so... you have limited mana, think To do too difficult things, you must be possessed. So when Yang Xian died, he was actually with Liang Ruobing, right?"

He can only be possessed by Liang Ruobing, so Ning Huanxin had such a speculation.


Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, the "Liang Ruobing" in front of him nodded: "That Yang Xian had a fiancée, he had a fiancee, and he had a malicious intention on Ruo Bing. He knew Ruo Bing had a bad mind, so he quietly tricked her into On the top floor of the hotel, I thought that something happened here, others would not know, Ruo Bing would not tell others, but he did not know, I have always been by Ruo Bing's side, I can not allow him to hurt Ruo Bing!"

[The update is over at 6 am, dizzy, I don’t know if I have a fever, the update at 12 noon depends on the situation]

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