Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 969: 969: Pure Yang Family

The corridor seemed to quiet down suddenly, and the two of them leaned on the bench seats in the corridor, and Ning Huan looked at the door of the operating room in a daze.

People have misfortunes and blessings, she did not expect that Xie Guang would really have an accident!

Although, it seems that there is no life danger.


What if the next time an accident is the one next to you?

What if life is endangered?

In Ning Huanxin's mind, he thought of Soul Cultivation!

As long as she learns that technique, she can continue her life!

What a temptation this is!

"Haixin, what are you thinking?"

Perhaps it was because Ning Huanxin beside her was distracted, Jiang Lixing on the side suddenly took her hand and asked softly.


Ning Huan hesitated for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at Jiang Lixing: "Axing, have you heard of soul cultivation?"

"Soul cultivation?"

Jiang Lixing frowned upon hearing Ning Huanxin's words.

"This technique is very mysterious. I have heard of it. It is said that it has been lost. Why did you suddenly think of asking this?"


Ning Huan hesitated for a while, suddenly leaning against Jiang Lixing, and whispering softly in his ear: "I saw this book at Gu's house, I want to...learn it!"


Jiang Lixing's tone was a little strange. This soul-raising technique is indeed a very powerful spell, which can change life against the sky and help the dying person to continue his life.

But it hurts heaven and peace to do so.

Moreover, people's birth, old age, sickness and death were originally doomed by the heavens. Such use of magic to reverse life and death is a violation of the destiny, and will naturally be punished by heaven, and all the punishment will fall on the caster.

"This technique shouldn't exist in the human world. I didn't expect that Gu Jiaji would have such a technique. It's not right, it's not right."

Jiang Lixing suddenly narrowed his eyes at this time, his eyes sharp.

"Anyone who has practiced the Soul Cultivation Technique cannot escape death, unless it is of Pure Yang blood. This technique was only practiced by the Pure Yang family thousands of years ago. Other monks could not practice it at all, and Gu Jiajia has this technique. Fa, so to speak...The ancestors of the Gu family were all pure-yang blood! But as time changes, the blood line gradually becomes impure, and it takes a long time for a person of pure-yang blood to appear."

Jiang Lixing's voice was low and inaudible, but Ning Huanxin, who was sitting beside him, could still hear it clearly.

Pure Yang Family?

Gu family, do you have such a past and identity?


The person who has been dealing with the Gu family behind the scenes and taking action against the Gu family, do they want Gu family's soul-raising technique, or... the blood of pure Yang?

Thinking of this, Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing looked at each other, and both of them saw the solemn expression in each other's eyes.

Ning Huanxin was not very clear about the Gu family's past, and could only rely on his own ideas to speculate, but Jiang Lixing knew more.

When Gu Qianliang was hunted and killed for no reason, did those people suspect that she was the daughter of Pure Yang?

Perhaps every once in a while, a girl of pure yang blood appears in the Gu family, and such a person is naturally talented and more suitable for cultivation than ordinary people.

Therefore, those people put their ideas on Gu Qianliang!

It's a pity that Gu Qianliang is not of the blood of Jiuyang, her daughter, Ning Huanxin is!

So over the years, whether it is Mr. Gu or Gu Xiao, they have been trying their best to restrain themselves, not to recognize Ning Huanxin, and not to associate with their family, just to protect this secret and to protect Ning Huanxin!

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