Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 974: 974: There are monsters? (3)

"Auntie, it's all right, it's all over, it's over."

Seeing Lin Jing's expression ugly, Ning Huanxin immediately comforted her a few words.

At this time, Lin Jing also took a deep breath and tried to calm her mood as much as possible. After a while, she spoke again.

"At that time, I was really frightened, watching the thing coming straight to us, and your Uncle Xie protected me. At that time, we were all scared. I closed my eyes tightly, and then... suddenly I felt hot on my face, and when I opened my eyes, I saw your Uncle Xie lying on my body covered in blood. When I was in a hurry, I passed out into a coma!"

I was frightened at first, and seeing my husband covered in blood, it is natural that Lin Jing, a little woman, would faint!


"Auntie, how is that manager Qian? Do you have any impression of who sent you to the hospital?"

Although Lin Jing knew these questions might not know the answers, Ning Huanxin asked tentatively.

Manager Money?

Lin Jing frowned, thinking about it carefully, and then shook her head in confusion: "I was really too scared at the time. I didn't see Manager Qian. He seemed to have been...behind us? No, he seemed to be standing. Thank you, Uncle, no, no, no, I really don’t remember!"

"Okay, don't think about it."

Ning Huanxin patted Lin Jing's shoulder lightly: "Auntie, you may not know that Xu Changan, who just left, is one of the few exorcists in Yanjing! When I see him next time, Tell him about this, let him go to the bank you mentioned and see if there are any clues left. By the way, what about your heirloom? Is there any loss?"

The monster in Lin Jing's mouth will never appear in the bank vault for no reason. It must have its own goal, but I don't know what its goal is?

Is it a human? Or something?

Family heirloom!

Lin Jing was also shocked when she heard Ning Huanxin's question. At this moment, when she raised her head, she suddenly saw a small box above a side cabinet, and she was immediately relieved.

"Still still! It's this box, please help me get it!"


Ning Huanxin immediately took the small box to Lin Jing obediently. At this time, Lin Jing took a deep breath and slowly opened the box. Inside the box was a roll of bamboo slips.

There is nothing special, and there is no aura.

Obviously, this is just a very ordinary thing, and has nothing to do with the Profound Gate. It seems that the target of the monster is not this thing.

in the end……

Why did it attack Xie Guang?

Ning Huanxin was a little puzzled, but turned his head and looked at the hospital bed, Xie Guang, who was still unconscious, sighed.

After a while, Xie Yudie and Zhou Han came back after eating, Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing got up and left.

It's getting late, and they should go too.

"Hey, thank you."

Xie Yudie sent Ning Huanxin to the outside of the ward.

"Okay, Xiaodie, why are you polite with us? Go back soon, Ah Xing and I are not outsiders, we are leaving! I will come back tomorrow when I have time!"

With that said, Ning Huanxin waved his hand, pulled Jiang Lixing and left.

Looking at the back of the two people leaving, Xie Yudie pursed her lips, then slowly turned back to the ward.

At this time, neon lights flashed on the street and people came and went.

Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin drove away from the First Hospital, heading straight out of the city...

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