Jiang Lixing slapped a finger lightly, and a group of white flames suddenly appeared from his fingertips, instantly shining the entire vault like daylight.

A faint black mark can be seen on the floor of the vault. Although it is not very obvious, it is enough.

"So that's it?"

Jiang Lixing muttered to himself suddenly, and then, he gently put down his hand, the white flames from his fingertips dispersed, and the entire vault was plunged into darkness again.

When Jiang Lixing's figure appeared again, he had already left Yanjing city and appeared in a forest in the southern suburbs of Yanjing.

"Come out, I know you are here."

Jiang Lixing stood in the woods, staring in a certain direction, and spoke softly.

After a while, the branches shook, and a human-shaped shadow jumped down from the tree.

Under the faint moonlight, that figure was very slender and slender.

A pale face, almost bloodless, gradually appeared in front of Jiang Lixing's eyes. This was a very thin woman with white hair.

With a pale face and silver hair, she stood in the dark, looking very abrupt.

"who are you?"

At this time, the woman was holding a branch in one hand, seeming to play with it carelessly, but after a while, the branch suddenly turned into a giant, guarding the woman's side.

"The vault of Yanjing Bank."

Jiang Lixing spoke lightly, staring at the woman's face with cold eyes: "Today, you appeared there, and you also swallowed a ghost."

"Huh? You know?"

The woman was still expressionless, tilted her head slightly and looked at Jiang Lixing: "It's me, a ghost ran to Yanjing, and actually greedily possessed the bank manager. When I went to collect it today, it It hurt people."

It turned out that Lin Jing was too scared at the time, so she didn't see the whole thing. She just felt the blood. When she opened her eyes, she saw Xie Guang fall down, covered in blood.

In fact, Xie Guang was not injured by the monster in her eyes. It was the money manager who had been standing on his other side who really hurt Xie Guang.

Well, to be precise, it was a greedy ghost possessed by Manager Qian at the time.

At that time, seeing someone coming to catch him, the ghost was naturally very flustered. It subconsciously stabbed Xie Guang and wanted to improve his ability by sucking his blood. Unfortunately, it still failed because it came to catch it. Humans have high mana, and they cannot resist at all.

"You sent the two humans to the hospital afterwards?"

Jiang Lixing suddenly asked again.

Hearing Jiang Lixing's words, the white-haired woman glanced at him and nodded.

"Walking in the world is really troublesome. I have swallowed that ghost and erased the memory of the bank manager, and restored everything in the vault as before, except that one middle-aged couple was in a coma and the other was injured. I can only think of a way to send them to the hospital. Could it be... you came for the two humans?

The white-haired woman is a little curious. Jiang Lixing is obviously not a human being, so what is the relationship between him and the two humans?

"I did come for the two human beings. Those were my elders. Of course, they are all right now. Thank you for sending them to the hospital. But... You are a plant spirit, why did you suddenly appear in Yanjing? Hunting down a ghost?"

The woman in front of her is from the Monster Race, and there are actually many different races in the Monster Race, and the Plant Elf is one of them.

Flowers, plants and trees, all have spirituality and can be refined.

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