Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 978: 978: The plan for a day lies in the morning

"Second Young Master, so early!"

Ning Huan looked at Jiang Lixuan and greeted him subconsciously. Although... Jiang Lixuan didn't have any expression on her face, and she didn't seem to welcome her, as a guest, she still had to greet the host.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Lixuan glanced at her, then turned around without hesitation and left.

Ning Huanxin:...

It's really cold!


Ning Huanxin watched Jiang Lixuan walk away, and immediately walked to the garden where he stood just now, where he was actually very alive!

I don’t know if it’s because there is a large flower garden here. Although it’s early winter, the flowers in the garden are long gone, but after all the flowers and plants that have been bred here for a year, the absorption of heaven and earth aura is more abundant than other places in the yard.

This Second Young Master Jiang is really good at finding a place!

Ning Huanxin was secretly happy in his heart, just as Jiang Lixuan was gone, so let's practice here for a while!

After finding a place, Ning Huanxin focused on cultivating.

As time passed by, the sky gradually brightened.

On weekdays, there are many people in the Jiang family who like to get up early to exercise. Apart from the freak Jiang Lixuan, the first person to get up is Uncle Hai.

As a master of ancient martial arts, Uncle Hai has maintained the good habit of getting up early to practice exercises all these years.

And the place where he practiced is also this small garden.

But today, Uncle Hai saw the figure in the garden from a distance.

Is it the second master?

No, it depends on the body shape.

When he got closer, Uncle Hai saw the people sitting in the garden, actually Ning Huanxin!

It turns out that Miss Ning started practicing early in the morning! Uncle Hai stood not far away and stared for a while, then he turned and walked away. Although the air in that garden was better than other places, since Miss Ning was there, Uncle Hai naturally didn't want to bother.

"Uncle Hai!"

At this time, Ning Huanxin suddenly opened his eyes, got up slowly, and called Uncle Hai.

"Uncle Hai, did you get up so early to practice qigong?"

Ning Huanxin walked lightly, almost rushing to Uncle Hai in a few steps.

"Miss Ning has a good time."

Uncle Hai looked at Ning Huanxin with a faint smile, and somehow suddenly thought of the first time the two met.

There is a saying that you don't know each other, it's them.

"Uncle Hai, do you want to discuss with me?"

Ning Huanxin looked at Uncle Hai's body still wearing practice clothes, and couldn't help but smiled and asked.

"Okay, Ms. Ning, don't dislike my old bones that are not useful!"

While talking, Uncle Hai set his posture, looking serious.

"Well, Uncle Hai, offended!"

Ning Huanxin took a stance, adjusted his breathing, then nodded at Uncle Hai, kicked it with a sudden lift of his leg.

Both of them are masters of ancient martial arts, and it is very lively to come and fight.

I don't know when, Cui Can, Jiang Lixing, and Jiang Liran, a few people gathered near the garden.

"Happy Kung Fu is really good!"

Cui Can watched the two fight against each other, there was a light in his eyes, and he was eager to try.

"Cui Can, do you want to try?"

Hearing Cui Can's words, Jiang Sanshao on the side suddenly whispered: "I remember you are no worse than Uncle Hai!"

"Three young masters, don't be kidding, I'm just an agent. I have been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and I have forgotten my previous kung fu." Cui Can waved his hand with a smile and refused.

Hearing what he said, Jiang Liran couldn't help turning his head and glanced at Jiang Lixing.

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