Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 980: 980: That winter (2)

Jiang Yanran is a woman who doesn't shed tears easily, but Jiang Liran saw her secretly hiding and crying three times. Those three times were all for Cui Can.

But so what?

Cui Can will not look back.

Even Jiang Liran could feel his determination.

What's more, when something like that happened back then, no man would forgive her if she was replaced by anyone, right?

Jiang Liran slowly closed his eyes.

That year, if he hadn't been wondering why his sister didn't go out for a few days, he wouldn't break the secret of her sister, let alone find Jiang Yanran who had fallen in a pool of blood.

At that time, he was still young, and when he saw his sister lying pale in a pool of blood, he naturally lost his sense.

At that time, Jiang Liran almost rushed over and called Cui Can.

He always thought Cui Can would be his brother-in-law.

But from that day on, it was never anymore.


Cui Can hurried back to the house, his steps were a bit chaotic.

He doesn't want to think of many things anymore, but it's winter again, isn't it, it's going to snow again?

In the winter of that year, there was also a lot of snow.

In the white snow, I personally buried a little, little thing.

That is his child.

The child killed by Jiang Yanran himself.

"Don't call a doctor, I just...take the medicine."

That day, Jiang Yanran woke up in a pool of blood, but the expression on her face was so calm and indifferent.

"You can't have children at this time, I can't marry you, what I want, Cui Can, you know, you know, you help me, as long as you help me, we will have more children in the future!"

Jiang Yanran is too aware of the rules of the Jiang family and the character of the old man. Once she gets married, she will lose the position of the head of the family.

So, after learning that she was pregnant by accident, she almost didn't give any consideration, and personally killed the little life.

It was not the crystallization of her love, it was just a stumbling block on her way forward!

How cold-blooded and cruel this is!

"If one day, I will be useless. One day, I will also become a stumbling block for you, will it...you have to treat me like this?"

Yenching’s winter is really cold.

But at that moment, Cui Can's heart was even colder.

That woman's cold blood, at that moment, he felt so real, like a pain on the skin.

"I won't forgive you, let's... break up."

At that moment, he made up his mind.

As a man, he has his own principles and his own bottom line. Long pain is not as good as short pain. He is not the kind of hesitant and indecisive man.

"Break up?"

Jiang Yanran paled when she heard Cui Can's words, and she was in a trance for a moment, but she soon calmed down again.

"It's okay to break up, but the child...I don't want to be known by the fourth person!"

She did not have a word to retain, and at the last moment, she only thought of her own interests.

This is Jiang Yanran.

Jiang Yanran who Cui Can knows.

It has been so long, and now I suddenly think of it, it is like suddenly tearing open a wound that has long been healed. Although it is no longer bloody, the scars of the year are still there.

Cui Can sighed, and the moment he raised his eyes, he suddenly saw a familiar color.


Jiang Yanran greeted Cui Can with a smile in a red dress.

Cui Can scratched his head and smiled at her slightly: "Miss, early!"

The past, after all-passed.

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