Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 997: 997: Mysterious Black Man

"Your current status is not suitable for long-term school. You can choose some Fengshui architecture and Zhouyi."

Jiang Lixing felt relieved that Ning Huanxin was going to freshman school.

When the time comes, there will be little brothers in the department, and Ning Huanxin will definitely not look good.

Everyone: Huh—

Hearing Jiang Lixing’s words, Ning Huanxin nodded. At this moment, she suddenly thought of something and took out her mobile phone: "When I was training a few days ago, the mobile phone had been turned off. Then I checked the text messages in the past two days. Director Wang sent me a message stating that there was a play in the summer and wanted to find me a guest appearance."


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Lixing raised his eyebrows: "Wang Nianping's movie? Is it a horror movie again?"

"Uh, suspense and horror? It seems to be a movie based on a serial murder case. I think it's interesting to let me star in a psychologist."

Ning Huanxin has not responded to Wang Nianping, but she herself is very interested.

"Go if you like. The time for a movie is not long. In particular, Director Wang is good at horror and suspense. He needs fewer scenes and actors, so he won't be very tired."

Jiang Lixing didn't have any comments, he always thought that Ning Huanxin liked it, and he was happy.

Only when she is happy will he feel satisfied.

"Well, let me take a look, anyway, there is still a long time, so let's take a slow look.

Ning Huanxin is now focusing on this Xuanmen Contest. At first, she didn’t know that the contest would be held for more than a month. Now that she knows, she must be fully prepared. And when she left Yuhaishan, she also Specially greeted Jiang Liran and asked him to take good care of Liang Ruobing and the others.


It's night, the evening breeze is breezy.

It was late at night when Jiang Lixing left the apartment. Originally, Ning Huanxin wanted to keep him in the apartment overnight, but Jiang Lixing left.

He didn't want her to be distracted. Before leaving, Jiang Lixing had already given the medicine specially prepared by him to Ning Huanxin.

This competition... Even if there are any accidents, Huanxin can definitely handle it alone!

Standing downstairs in the apartment, Jiang Lixing quietly raised his eyes and looked upstairs. After looking at it several times, he left slowly.

After Jiang Lixing left, after a while, it was already midnight, and a black shadow appeared downstairs in Ning Huanxin's apartment.

A pair of indifferent eyes stared at the window on the thirteenth floor, and complicated coldness flashed in those eyes.

"Little Lord."

At this time, another dark shadow appeared behind the man, bending over respectfully.

"Young Master, tomorrow is the Xuanmen Newcomer Competition. Is it going according to the original plan?"

The tall black shadow nodded, the wide black hood covered his face, only his thin chin was visible, and his thin lips opened gently: "The plan remains the same, but... pay attention to the Gu family contestants For the time being, don’t touch the people who care for the family. It is useful to keep them."

"Yes, the subordinate understands."

The dark shadow nodded, and disappeared again ghostly.

The remaining tall black shadow raised his head slightly and looked at a certain window on the thirteenth floor——

This killing is finally about to open.

My blood is boiling.

Ning Huanxin, I have been looking for you for many years, but I finally found you.

And you...

Can you find me?

Slowly lowering his eyes, the black shadow slowly turned around, and then walked step by step along the long street. Finally, the whole figure was completely integrated into the night of Yanjing.

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