Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 300: Sending away the disaster star

When it was learned that the official had led a team to rescue Li Yelai who was trapped in the maze of the Snowy Mountains.

Jiang Yong exhaled a breath, this was the most dangerous step in this operation.

If the officials become suspicious, let alone the failure of the undercover agent, they may even kill the Chosen One of the Two Gods.

"It's not in vain that we spent so much money to build the maze." Jiang Yong thought to himself, after all, it was a bit painful.

Now that the valley, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, has been discovered by the officials, it is likely to be turned into an outpost for attacking the restricted area.

This is a huge loss to the church.

But all of this can be taken back!

Immediately, he passed this information back to the chief helm, who informed the God of Slaughter.

In a mountain forest in South Asia, a muscular man entered the dangerous jungle alone.

There are many poisonous insects and miasma here, and under the influence of the power of the virtual realm, it becomes even more weird and dangerous. Anyone who enters will become the nourishment of the jungle if they are not careful.

But he walked into the miasma alone wearing only light clothes. Ignore the attacks of poisonous insects and snakes.

He walked straight ahead and came to a dilapidated temple deep in the mountains.

"Prince, Emperor Yun was successfully rescued by the authorities and will return to the giant city in the near future." The man sat on the broken pillar of the dilapidated temple and said: "So far, it seems that he has successfully entered the giant city."

"Very good." A strange stone statue in the temple said, "Thank you for your hard work, Zhu Tu."

This man is the overlord-level divine choice of the chief rudder, Zhu Tu!

And the person he was talking to was a higher-ranking Prince of Chaos!

"I heard that Emperor Yun became the Chosen One of the Two Gods. Did the Prince know about it? I don't know if Master Xuehe cares?" Zhutu asked, playing with a skeletal finger bone.

"My Lord does not care about the gift of the Father of Plague. On the contrary, He is happy to let the divine choice He likes have stronger power. This can provide Him with more wonderful killings. The blessing of the Father of Plague can allow Emperor Yun challenges the stronger. This is what my Lord likes." The stone statue responded: "You don't have to worry about it. My Lord also pays attention to you."

"I know." Zhu Tu nodded: "But Di Yun's luck is really bad."

"Indeed." The stone statue also sighed with emotion: "The two divine choices of Red Fury and Blood Drinking who greeted him met the Eternal Life Faction halfway, and the two sides started a bloody battle. He was only four years old at that time, and he was involved in the divine choice. war."

"After returning to the main helm, he was attacked again and almost killed."

"I accepted Fen Xiao's invitation and led the team to Border City No. 2. I ran into a trap in Border City No. 2 and almost died in it. Most of my men lost their lives."

"His luck is really bad. In this world, there are people with destiny and people with hatred. He may be this kind of person. If he can grow up, he will definitely be the strongest."

The stone statue sighed with emotion, and Zhu Tu said: "Moreover, every time bad luck hits us, we also suffer a blow."

"He was forced into a war with the Eternal Faction, and died in red rage, drinking blood."

"He encountered a joint assassination attempt by the restricted area and humans at the main helm. The main helm suffered heavy losses, including the treasure house. It became an extraordinary volcano."

"In Border City No. 2, Fen Xiao died. Regardless of whether Fen Xiao was a traitor or not, Emperor Yun was obviously a disaster star." Zhu Tu was filled with emotion.

Since Di Yun came to the church, not only was he unlucky, but the church was also unlucky.

Three of the chosen gods are dead, maybe they were killed by him!

Isn't it just a disaster?

Of course, this sentence can only be said in private, and cannot be said publicly, otherwise Di Yun will give up his business.

Laughter erupted from the stone statue: "So, it is better to send this kind of disaster star to the giant city. You are doing the right thing. Let us wait and see what kind of misfortune will befall the giant city."

"What about Fen Xiao?" Zhu Tu asked, "Why did he betray my lord? Has he already repented under the Blood Throne?"

"No." The stone statue paused and responded: "He has not returned to the Bloody Throne."

"How is that possible?" Zhu Tu was surprised. As the Blood God's chosen one, even if Zhu Tu committed any act of rebellion, he should be led to the throne to see the Blood God after his death. The blessing given to him by the Blood God is still there, so he shouldn't be able to escape this fate. Even if the chosen one dies, he must surrender under the throne of his god.

"Two possibilities, either he completely betrayed my Lord's faith and took refuge in the service of other gods. His soul was intercepted by another god. The second possibility is that he was beaten until both body and spirit were destroyed! He died on the fifth In the hands of the believers of God, it may be the power of the fifth god that completely killed him!" The voice of the stone statue was full of fear.

The fifth god's sense of oppression is too strong.

He gives believers terrible power that they should not have.

A chaotic demon deep in the virtual realm was attacked inexplicably, and its injuries were difficult to heal.

This frightened thousands of powerful Chaos men, fearing that the other party would attack them along the line of cause and effect.

As chaotic creatures, they, like the virtual creatures, can only be exiled but cannot die.

So in the physical universe, they can do whatever they want.

They are like playing a video game. If the account is gone and the character dies, then they can just spend hundreds of years practicing another one.

But the fifth god's arrows followed the network cable and directly attacked their bodies. It will kill them completely!

This is the power of the Chaos God!

"Which kind of fifth god is that terrifying being walking on the sea of ​​black mud?" Zhu Tu asked: "That is a god chosen."

Zhu Tu didn't have much affection for Fen Xiao, but they were companions after all. At least check it out.

"It's possible. Judging from the reaction in Border City No. 2, Fen Xiao has indeed betrayed us." The stone statue responded: "Of course, it may also be a conspiracy. They are best at provoking disputes among the chosen gods. This time Ji Dao was not involved in the operation in Border City No. 2. I feel that they may have done something. "

"Gui Dao, they are really the most disgusting people." Zhu Tu nodded: "But for now we still have to cooperate with them."

"Yes, the fifth god is too harmful," the stone statue sighed, and then said: "Now, Emperor Yun has returned to the border city. Regardless of whether he succeeds or not, we must keep him."

"I understand that we can abandon some believers at any time to make his contribution and let him gain greater rights." Zhu Tu said: "By the way, we can also find out the details of the ninth champion."

The ninth champion is the heir to the championship that appeared in the restricted area of ​​Heaven. That is a strong person outside of intelligence, so you need to be careful.

He is very likely to be his opponent after the Emperor's Fall God Selection!

"Be careful. The official can hide a six-sense strongman so deeply that Di Yun probably won't be able to reach him." The stone statue said, "Let him not force himself."

"However, this time there are so many powerful people in Shenzang Immortal Palace, Di Yun and others may not be able to complete their goals." Zhu Tu said.

“If we don’t get it, we won’t let anyone else get it.”

On the other side, in the evening, a gathering place in the wilderness.

A motorcade drove in quickly, and before the car could stop, several people jumped out of the vehicle.

There were men and women in the group, the oldest in his early thirties. All of them were dressed in black and their movements were very vigorous.

Their eyelids jumped when they saw the armed guards here. I didn't even dare to go up and ask for parking fees.

And that group of people did not embarrass the guards, but quickly ran to the largest hotel in the gathering place.

As soon as he entered the door, he shouted: "Quick, serve all your meat and vegetables!"

"Get the best room and prepare hot water!"

"hurry up!"

Those who can open a restaurant in the gathering place are all respectable scavengers, but they don't dare to show any slights at this moment.

Food was prepared as quickly as possible. And thinking to myself, what kind of big shot is this?

Then, they saw a ‘savage’.

"Would you like some water?"

At the dinner table, Ye Buzuo tried to ask.

Li Yelai, who was munching on chicken, nodded despite his busy schedule.

After taking a sip of water, he went back to the roast chicken in his hand. The torn chicken legs passed through the mouth and only the bones remained.

"Slow down, slow down. You have no image at all and you are still anxious?" The captain of the furnace looked at the hungry and anxious Li Yelai and couldn't help but shake his head.

"Captain Furnace, if you haven't seen meat for more than thirty or thirty days, you will eat it more urgently than me!"

Li Yelai responded and dealt with the third plate of braised pork carefully. The greasy meat was thrown into his mouth and disappeared in an instant.

This was really not an act. Li Yelai was really hungry for three days. In order to make the image of being 'trapped' more realistic.

For the past three days, he had only eaten wild fruits that were so sour that it was hard to swallow.

As a psyker, you also need to eat. And the higher the physical strength, the greater the need for food, but it is also more resistant to hunger.

Li Yelai was starved for three days, and his eyes turned green when he saw meat.

Until he finished eating a table of meat.

His hunger was relieved.

From a hungry savage to a hungry savage.

"When you're full, go wash up and take care of yourself. It's time to cut your hair," the furnace captain reminded, "I'm pretty good at swordsmanship. How about..."

Several people stared at Li Yelai wildly.

"No need! In order to save money, I already knew how to cut my own hair." Li Yelai complained: "With your strength, I am afraid that you will cut off my scalp with one knife."

One night subconsciously touched his hair and nodded in agreement with lingering fear.

Damn it, it seems like it happened.

So, after ten minutes.

When Li Yelai finished washing and cleaning up, he appeared in front of everyone again.

Several Ye Bu Shu couldn't help but their eyes lit up. They had never had contact with Li Ye Lai in the giant city.

Seeing a messy savage turn into a handsome young man in front of them, they couldn't help but marvel.

These are clearly two people!

"I'm finally alive." Li Yelai breathed out and sat on the chair and said, "Thank you for your support. I almost died in there."

That being said, the official high-level officials had actually known Li Yelai's location for a long time. But in order not to expose this, we can only explore within the Snowy Mountains.

"It doesn't matter, we are all comrades." The furnace smiled and said: "Thank you for your hard work. Thank you also for killing that human traitor!"

The night general killed the human traitor Mei Wu, which was the information that the furnace knew.

However, in order to protect Li Yelai, this information was not disclosed to the public. Only part of the night is unknown.

Since the restricted area has been misunderstood, let’s continue to misunderstand it.

Let them go and seek revenge on the non-existent Six Senses strongman.

"It's just a fluke." Li Yelai shook his head and said, "If it weren't for the actions of many comrades at that time and attracted the attention of most angels, I would have never had a chance."

"Don't underestimate yourself. I know your achievements, but I didn't announce them in order to avoid assassination in the restricted area. But the official will prepare enough reward points for you." Ronglu said, and several Yebushou nodded repeatedly.

Li Yelai killed Meiwu and destroyed the city and hundreds of thousands of restricted area legions and hundreds of angels in it with a large turntable. After that, he caused an avalanche and killed a large number of restricted area combat forces during the chase.

Just these two points are enough to call him a hero!

It's refreshing to listen to it!

"By the way, you can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. After experiencing repeated fights, you have been promoted to the fifth awakening. In two months, from the fourth awakening to the fifth awakening. It's really powerful! It's a pity that I didn't snatch you from Yang Chen at that time." Ronglu tutted his mouth, a little regretful.

"My luck is too bad, it will always rebound. It's a pity that I am still trapped in the maze. If it weren't for you, I guess I can only eat wild fruits for the rest of my life. If I can't be promoted to the sixth awakening, I can't escape the maze at all." Li Yelai showed a moment of fear.

"It's okay, it's all over." Ronglu said, "Now that I've found you, I can tell Yang Chen. He hasn't returned to the giant city during this period. I have to help him take care of the champion team."

Some elite members of the champion team are in the depths of the wilderness, accepting the power of the black umbrella and investigating the champion's defeat that year.

Captain Yang Chen, because of the painting, dare not approach the giant city. He has been active in the wilderness.

In this case, Ronglu and Yueying, as good friends, will try their best to help the champion team.

Li Yelai nodded repeatedly.

Then, Ronglu asked: "What is your five senses of psychic ability? Is it dragon breath?"

He is also a path of the universe, and he is a little curious about this.

"No." Li Yelai shook his head: "It's the dragon soul. I found several bottles of magic potions and formulas in the maze."

As he said, Li Yelai handed the formulas and magic potions in his backpack to Ronglu.

These were all prepared by the church in the maze.

As for the dragon soul, it was naturally prepared by Li Yelai himself.

"It's actually a dragon soul?" Ronglu was a little surprised: "What a coincidence, we have also been studying this potion formula recently."

That's right, the formula was given by Li Yelai.

"If it is dragon breath, the destructive power will be stronger. With your Dharma image, it will be very terrifying. Of course, dragon soul is also good, with rare spiritual defense methods." Ronglu said: "And then, you should consider the mythical mimicry of the sixth awakening."

"It's too early. I don't think I can get close to the sixth awakening this year." Li Yelai said, there are thirteen steps from the fifth awakening to the sixth awakening, and he is now on the fourth step. There is still a long way to go. The further you go, the harder it is.

"By the way, what is the captain's mythical mimicry?"

Ronglu smiled and lit a match. He opened his mouth and inhaled, and the flames poured into his mouth.

"Fire-eating beast, Huodou!" (End of this chapter)

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