Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 314 Blood Rain

Eight hundred light cavalry spanned the air and arrived at the battlefield at extremely fast speeds.

And what followed was the overwhelming anger and murderous intent!

This caused the expressions of the members of the two major factions of the Ember Church who were peeping from a distance to suddenly change.

The instinct they have honed so far is warning them that if they appear in front of that adult at this moment, they will be smashed by a halberd!

At this moment, Master Di Yun was as angry as an erupting active volcano.

Bai Ya roared excitedly: "Here he comes, Master Di Yun is here!"

She also felt the terrifying aura brought by the Emperor's Fall.

Even as a Chaos Demon General, she was trembling with fear from the terrifying killing intent, and her body couldn't help but tremble.

This is the true God's choice, this is the leader who can lead mankind to the Blood Throne!

Bai Ya tried his best to tighten his legs so as not to lose his composure.

She sincerely praised: "As expected of Lord Diyun, your acting skills are like a god! There are no flaws!"

Because Master Di Yun, like a true official powerhouse, descended on the battlefield angrily.

Who can doubt Lord Di Yun's acting skills?

Compared with fanatical believers like Bai Ya and followers of other factions.

The red-skinned monster felt the endless fear, as if substantial murderous intent was pouring down, causing his body to become obviously stiff. A shudder ran through his blessed body.

That is definitely a demon that walked out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood!

A more terrifying and powerful demon than the red-skinned monster!

‘Has this monster killed hundreds of thousands of people? ’ Looking at the dragon falling like thunder and lightning, he struggled hard.

The Well of Souls opened, and a fan-shaped brass shield emerged.

The moment the shield appeared, golden light flashed and turned into a solid golden barrier.

The next moment, the halberd fell!

‘Crack! ’

After an earth-shattering sound, the huge body of the red-skinned monster flew out backwards. After hitting the ground, it quickly bounced back up, but it was still unable to relieve its force. In the end, it rolled and jumped on the ground like a drifting stone. After knocking away a chaos egg, it hit the workshop heavily.

Still alive! I'm alive! The red-skinned monster laughed angrily. He tried to straighten up in the ruins, but found that his brass shield had been shattered.

Most of the sturdy shield was chopped off, and the wrist of his left hand was almost split open.

This made him panic and scared, and he looked warily at the figure that appeared on the battlefield and the thousands of troops behind him!

On the other side, where the red-skinned monster was, a tall and handsome figure appeared.

Beside him, shield-bearing warriors from the Shadow Army emerged one after another, and the eight hundred heavily armored shield guards turned into a thick shield wall, protecting all humans within the shield formation.

Those Chaos Eggs and Chaos Servants attacked the shield wall, but they were unable to break through the shield wall!

He was holding a black gold dragon-patterned halberd, and was wearing a black windbreaker without moving in the wind. The gold braid of his armored shoulder pads shone brightly in the sun.

When the golden braided armor appeared on the battlefield, the eyes of all human warriors burst out with hope.

This means that a captain-level warrior has arrived on the battlefield!

Even if they don't know this captain, they should know that mankind's high-end combat power has arrived on the battlefield!

Even if they die on the battlefield, there will be stronger comrades who will guard the giant city for them!

The one who came was naturally Li Yelai.

After the alarm sounded, he activated the Shadow Army and used Swift Movement like the Wind. Approach the battlefield as quickly as possible!

But tragedy still happened.

Li Yelai saw the human warriors whose bodies were torn to pieces on the battlefield, saw the Xinghuo whose chest was dented and embedded in the vehicle, and saw the heavy rider whose abdomen was torn open and his internal organs flowed out of the wound.

Damn it! Damn it!

The Ember Church wanted Li Yelai to be an undercover agent to gain greater glory and power.

He planned a conspiracy and put many innocent people in danger.

So many human warriors were killed or injured in this specific conspiracy, including Li Yelai's friends.

This made Li Yelai's eyes turn red. From a certain perspective, these soldiers were killed by him. In order to avoid this situation, he rushed as quickly as possible, but there were still casualties.

This made him miserable and angry.

"Everyone retreats, I will take over the battlefield."

Under the protection of the shield, those monsters could not harm the human warriors inside. But the viruses on those chaos eggs are threatening the safety of human warriors. Many human warriors began to cough up blood, and they could no longer be allowed to stay here.

So, Li Yelai opened one side of the shield wall and asked them to quickly leave the factory with the wounded.

"Captain Yejiang, we are here to support you!" Youye Buhou shouted.

"No, you go protect the wounded and stop the pursuers. Don't let anyone else die." Li Yelai responded: "And I can let go."

"But Captain, there are so many here"

"Execute the order." Li Yelai said calmly. This was the first time he gave an order to his colleagues with the authority of the captain. But everyone can feel the violent killing intent from that calm voice.

"Yes!" Ye Bushou said no more, but cooperated with the transfer of the wounded and stayed on both sides and at the end of the team to block the pursuers.

As a result, the remaining human warriors quickly passed through the shield wall and escaped from the factory.

Some monsters noticed this and avoided the shield formation, or tried to break out of the factory, and continued to pursue the human warriors. But they were killed by the Yebushou who had been prepared for a long time.

At the same time, the shield array in front of these Chaos servants suddenly changed.

From a shield-bearing guard in full body armor, he turned into a heavily armored cavalry!

You know, if the heavy armored cavalry wants to charge completely, they need at least several hundred meters, or even one or two kilometers to speed up. Only then can they reach the peak speed. Only then can they smash the army formation with weight acceleration.

And once the heavy cavalry is close to the face before speeding up, or slows down due to terrain factors. Then their threat will be greatly reduced.

At the same time, the precious heavy armored cavalry can only engage in hand-to-hand combat with a high consumption rate.

When the Song and Jin fought, Marshal Yue Fei used this tactic to consume the iron pagodas of the Jin Dynasty.

But now, the heavy armored cavalry that is almost close to the face has completed a rapid charge in an instant without any acceleration!

Almost instantly crushed all the obstacles in front of them, and many Chaos War Servants who were about to act were knocked away or crushed by the iron hooves without any reaction!

Countless wails sounded, and blood and flesh flowers bloomed one after another, and hundreds of Chaos War Servants were drowned by the iron hooves. Even Chaos Eggs were crushed alive!

"Go upstairs, get out of the way!" The red-skinned monster shouted in shock and anger, asking the remaining Chaos War Servant to hide in the building or jump onto the roof to avoid the crushing of the heavy cavalry.

As for the Chaos Eggs, he couldn't care, and he didn't intend to care. He wished that the Chaos Eggs would consume the Iron Cavalry. Let him find the opportunity to deal with this monster.

Yes, as a twisted victim, and a red-skinned monster twisted into a Chaos Vampire, Li Yelai was regarded as a monster.

The red-skinned monster was originally a wild psychic. With the help of the church, he opened a factory in the giant city. And in order to satisfy his desire for killing, he often went to the wilderness far away from the giant city to attack caravans or villages. Even the most, he chopped off more than 20 heads by himself.

But even so, after so many years, he has only killed less than 300 people, which is already a rare number among the church members.

Li Yelai's strong murderous aura and the bloody smell that rushed into his nose clearly showed that he had killed thousands of people.

How could such a person be an official captain? He would believe that he was chosen by the Blood God!

Of course, he didn't know that when Li Yelai obtained the mask, he would also obtain the corresponding skills of the mask character.

And the human butcher Bai Qi made Li Yelai's killing intention even more terrifying and strong!

However, almost at the same time.

The hundreds of heavy armored cavalry galloping in the factory disappeared in an instant.

Only Li Yelai approached with a halberd.

He was obviously alone, with no teammates or legions around him. But he had the momentum to surpass thousands of troops.

This made the red-skinned monster a little confused. What was going on?

Why did this monster withdraw his own thousands of troops?

You know, there were still a large number of war servants and several chaos eggs on the scene, as well as himself, the five-sense bloodletting ghost.

Without his thousands of troops, did he intend to fight so many people on his own?

Is it because of too many psychic effects? Or is there some other conspiracy?

The red-skinned monster should have carefully thought about the conspiracy, but as a bloodletter, it was difficult for him to maintain this rational thinking.

After the dangerous legion disappeared, his desire to kill drove him to make the most instinctive move.

That is, lead all the Chaos War Servant to surround and kill him together!

If we cut off the head of the captain of the giant city, we will surely receive the gift of our Lord Blood God!

There was a crazy flame burning in his eyes, as if he wanted to devour Li Yelai.

He roared, his voice like the roar of a beast, shaking the entire battlefield. He raised the mace in his hand high and jumped out of the ruins.

And those War Servant hiding on the roof or wall of the factory building were like crows seeing rotten meat, attracted by the blood and killing on the battlefield. With cruel and excited light flashing in their eyes, they jumped down, like a black storm sweeping the battlefield, and pounced on Li Yelai.

Hundreds of figures rushed towards Li Yelai.

From a distance, this was such a tragic scene!

A lone human warrior will have to fight against hundreds of human enemies, and fight against these Chaos believers in isolation.

But Li Yelai is the most terrifying monster here!

He exudes a stronger murderous intent than the other party, and he is seen covering his cheek with his hand.

He asked the human warriors to leave the battlefield, not only to retaliate against the enemy, but also to release his terrible ability without scruples!

Switching faces, Qin Wuan, Bai Qi!

Blood-colored stars emerge, and the blood prison suppresses the devil!

At that moment, all the war servants who rushed towards Li Yelai, and the red-skinned monsters who rushed to the front. They were all shot down by a huge force that rushed down from the sky!

With him as the center, the ground within a radius of 200 meters suddenly sank, the walls shattered, the houses were surging, and the trees were broken, like a scroll erased by an eraser.

The entire factory was razed to the ground, and everything was smashed into the abyss.

Chaos servants fell from the air one by one, like ripe persimmons falling down, exploding in an instant, blood and flesh flying everywhere, their bones were like fragile twigs, shattered in an instant, and the scattered flesh and limbs were sunk into the ground. It formed a bloody picture. It was like a child's graffiti with red ink.

The servants who were eroded by the power of chaos and twisted and mutated were beaten into drawing paper before they could even scream.

And those Chaos Eggs screamed in pain.

These Chaos Eggs were the elite psykers of the church, twisted and transformed after losing control. They were too deeply eroded by chaos, but they could not resist the power brought by the blessing. Thus twisted into irrational Chaos Eggs.

Their strengths vary, but they are all very difficult and dangerous.

However, at this moment, their bloated bodies made dense sounds like glass breaking, and their knees could not bear his weight, and they knelt heavily on the ground.

Then, the deformed flesh was violently torn off and pressed on the ground, mixed with soil and gravel, and turned into meat paste.

What remained in place were only their deformed and broken bones. They tried to wriggle, but it was difficult to resist the coming death.

As their bones were completely crushed, all the chaos eggs died completely.

The red-skinned monster was also slapped on the ground. He struggled hard to resist, but it was difficult to get up.

But a chaotic power bloomed from his arms, it was a piece of exquisite human skin paper!

The paper was white and tender, made of the softest skin of many virgins.

And on the human skin paper, extremely evil chaos rituals were recorded, and every word and pattern exuded terrible chaos power.

Ordinary people, even low-level psychics, may be distorted and out of control just by looking at it.

This is the trace left by an extremely powerful Chaos Demon on the human skin paper.

It contains a dangerous chaotic atmosphere.

The reason why there are so many Chaos War Servants in this factory is because those believers saw the content on the human skin paper.

Now, under extreme danger, this human skin paper blooms with powerful psychic energy, protecting the red-skinned monster and preventing him from dying instantly.

And the red-skinned monster, as if he saw a life-saving straw, tightly grasped the human skin paper.

He tried to hold the human skin paper high, and prayed for his few rationalities.

He recited a vicious spell, and the blood-red light on the human skin paper became more and more intense.

However, Li Yelai was unmoved, carrying the blood-colored stars and stepping forward. Every step he took made the red-skinned monster vomit blood and spit out pieces of internal organs.

At the same time, the light on the human skin paper was also suppressed by some force and began to flicker.

It... It is unwilling to deal with this monster?

Why? Why? !

The red-skinned monster roared, but found that the pressure on his body began to weaken.

He didn't have time to be surprised, and saw Li Yelai put down the black-gold dragon-patterned halberd and pulled out a ring-headed knife from the soul well.

A-level psychic weapon, blood cloud!

The blood-colored stars behind him, which were composed of blood, were absorbed and swallowed by the ring-headed knife, turning the ring-headed knife into scarlet!

Six-sensation divine control path·blood sea raging!

At the same time, Li Yelai switched his face, and a pair of terrifying double pupils appeared.

The red-skinned monster tried to block the human skin paper in front of him, and the red light bloomed again. It became his last defense!

And the ring-headed knife in Li Yelai's hand swung out at the same time.

The red-skinned monster saw a huge blood blade coming over, and the blood blade broke away from the blade and accurately chopped on the human skin paper emitting red light.

The next moment, the human skin paper that was comparable to the taboo was directly cut off, and the red-skinned monster was also cut off

At that moment

All the teams rushing to the battlefield looked up at the sky. They all saw the blood blade that shot straight into the sky.

The blood blade sank into the sky and eventually turned into blood rain.

When the reinforcements arrived at the battlefield, they only saw corpses all over the ground and.

The figure bathed in the blood rain. (End of this chapter)

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