Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 323: Strong Luck

By the time Li Yelai arrived, it was already dark.

In the lobby of the safe house, Jing Lin was talking to a strange girl.

The girl has a pretty face, neat short hair, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses. She has a somewhat bookish air and a restrained and calm temperament.

It reminded Li Yelai of the study committee member who took great care of him when he was a student. He was very smart at first glance.

Speaking of which, Cheese and this girl also have the same outfit. But the temperament is completely different.

Cheese also has short hair and occasionally wears a pair of large-framed glasses. But there is no such bookishness, but a calm and capable look.

Just say something sexy once in a while, which will break this filter

Now, I wonder if her hair has grown longer?

Li Yelai thought to himself, sat on the sofa next to Jing Lin and said, "Your Excellency..."

"Hello, Mr. Champion Agent. You are more handsome than I thought. I am Zhao Lin. You have investigated Ye Han, and you may also know me by the way." The girl said with a Sichuan accent.

Sure enough, it was the younger sister of the Zhao brothers and sisters. The girl who was coerced.

Li Yelai nodded silently, and Jing Lin also remained silent.

"When the two of you calmed down, you looked quite similar." Zhao Lin said with a normal expression, "Please don't worry about it, I'm here to cooperate."

Li Yelai couldn't help but look at Jing Lin.

Even though there are some problems in their relationship, the brother and sister named Zhao are still Ye Han's companions. She came here, why did you drag me out?

Jing Lin explained: "She found the members of the Three Meridians who sent the invitation letter in the giant city, and wanted to contact me by name. She also guessed that the banquet was set up by you and me, and wanted to explain the situation in person."

"Guess?" Li Yelai raised his eyebrows: "Then Ye Han didn't come to the banquet because he knew about our plan?"

That's really infuriating.

Li Ye was completely ready when he came here.

Li Yelai spent 300 merit points in exchange for fifteen tons of extraordinary creature blood.

He also went to prison and extracted a large number of criminals' spiritual power to create one hundred and thirty regular-sized spiritual treasures.

Even the A-level psychic armor, Liuying Mingguang Armor, which I just got today. I also asked Xiao Kuang Wang to guide me for most of the day.

It can be said that all the trump cards are ready, just waiting for the banquet to start tomorrow to give Ye Han a hard time.

In the end, he actually guessed it?

The fucking food is ready, but you won’t come, right?

"That's not true. However, Ye Han's inspiration is very strong. He just glanced at the invitation and felt something was wrong. He speculated that he would encounter a bad end when he went to the banquet. He also guessed that it was some families he had offended. "Zhao Lin said: "And I made an analysis based on this."

"The invitation comes from the Jing family, and the Jing family has reached a cooperation with Ye Han. The Jing family has no reason to take action against Ye Han, but the Jing family is not monolithic, and there is internal fighting. And the three branches of the internal fighting are related to Good luck with the champion agent.”

"After Ye Han cooperated with the Jing family, he went to see the sister of the champion agent. This may be one of the conditions for cooperation."

"So, I think that the champion agent may have noticed or investigated some of Ye Han's problems. He has become suspicious of Ye Han, or has murderous intentions!"

"As long as it is confirmed that the champion agent is hostile to Ye Han, many problems can be solved."

"I speculate that Sanmai and Champion plan to take advantage of this banquet to attack Ye Han. They may surround and kill him, poison him, or use other methods."

Zhao Lin said: "From this point of view, we will be partners. I also want to kill him!"

Although she didn't want to admit it, she was indeed Ye Han's 'partner'.

You can have access to many secrets that outsiders don't know, and then use the information you learn to make the most correct inferences.

"Inspiration? Can you still do this?" Li Yelai frowned.

In fact, not only psychics, but most human beings have incomplete inspiration.

For example, before something happens, you may occasionally have a vague premonition.

This hunch is a manifestation of intuition. It is a prompt given by the human brain in an illogical and irrational way when it receives and processes a large amount of information.

Some scholars also speculate that the brain may unconsciously capture some signs of upcoming events and then express them in an intuitive form.

Therefore, this premonition is uncontrollable and extremely difficult to trigger.

But after becoming a psyker, the well of the human soul opens wide. Gained the power from the virtual realm.

This sense of foreknowledge becomes clearer and sharper, and turns into inspiration!

Psychics can, through inspiration, perceive some supernatural phenomena or information that ordinary people cannot detect.

You can also sense the occurrence of certain events in advance. Or provide early warning of upcoming danger.

It allows psychics to make correct decisions at critical moments and avoid falling into danger.

Therefore, some psykers face assassins or returnees. Even though the opponent cannot be observed, a warning of danger still emerges.

This is one way inspiration manifests itself.

For example, the Little Crazy King received two blessings and a curse in the Lucky Wheel.

That curse meant that she would be discovered by the target during the assassination.

In fact, from the perspective of inspiration, it means that the inspiration of the assassin is suddenly strengthened, thereby discovering the Little Mad King in advance.

But even psykers, even psykers with a high number of awakenings, cannot fully control inspiration. This is still regarded as some kind of intuition and instinct.

Psychics who have experienced many life-and-death crises will have sharper and more accurate inspiration when facing crises. But they can't really avoid danger and seek good fortune.

Otherwise, psychics can get inspiration before going out, go if there is good news, and stay home if there is no good news.

If Mei Wu, who was killed by Li Yelai, had an inspiration in advance, she would have directly hidden beside the Six-Sensed Angel.

At that time, Li Yelai and Ma Hongyi couldn't kill Mei Wu even if they beat their brains out.

"But Ye Han is different. His inspiration is naturally sharp. He can really avoid danger and seek good fortune."

Zhao Lin said: "It has even reached an incredible level.

In an operation in a strange environment, he and some other psychics were chased by creatures in the restricted area. They fled into a cave similar to a maze. Everyone fled in all directions, but suffered heavy losses. Only three of the dozen psychics survived. However, he relied on his inspiration to not only find the correct route, but also get the treasure hidden in it."

Li Yelai's eyebrows jumped when he heard it.

If it were me, I would have no chance of escaping from the cave if I triggered the bad luck.

It’s good that the cave didn’t collapse.

Moreover, there is a curse that you will encounter strong enemies. If you are in the maze, the enemies will be sent to him by various ‘coincidences’.

“So, he also directly noticed the trap you set.” Zhao Lin exhaled lightly: “Before, some people also planned to hold a Hongmen Banquet, but he avoided it. It’s too difficult to kill him or harm him. The most dangerous time for him should be when he met my brother. At that time, they were only four awakenings, but they accidentally provoked a sub-adult ancient dragon.”

The ancient dragon is a rare and powerful species.

The reason why it is rare is that their life level is extremely high, so it is difficult to give birth to pure-blooded offspring. Instead, there are many hybrid species left, such as Tianhui Ancient Dragon and Tianhui Qilin.

This is the same reason why it is difficult for highly awakened psychics to give birth to offspring.

Therefore, psychics in some families will have many partners.

But the difference is that if an ancient dragon is born, it will be very powerful. It can even use psychic energy in the egg.

Then, after a long growth period, when it grows up, it can enter the level of overlord, which is extremely terrifying.

The longer the ancient dragon lives, the stronger it becomes.

Although the growth cycle is long, it can survive.

And a sub-adult ancient dragon should be the strength of the sixth sense. It is not something that Ye Han, who has the fourth sense, can deal with.

"My brother was separated from him, and when we met again, he had been promoted to the fifth sense."

"Later, we found out. When he was escaping, he rescued the trapped human strongman Snow Mountain Blind Man by chance. While gaining the friendship of the blind man, he killed the ancient dragon that was almost an adult. He broke into the ancient dragon's nest with the blood of the ancient dragon and found a blood-colored dragon ball. Using it as a material, he successfully promoted to the fifth sense!"

"This is also the benefit brought to him by his inspiration."

Not only is his inspiration extremely strong, but he also has tremendous luck!

Jing Lin was stunned: "Is this Ye Han really the son of destiny? He can suppress the curse and turn danger into safety? He has so many confidants around him."

"Ahem!" Li Yelai coughed lightly, making Jing Lin hold back the words that followed.

"At least, he thinks so." Zhao Lin pushed his glasses and said indifferently: "Although he disguises well, he is extremely arrogant. He wants to pursue the best in everything."

"It's the same with potions, secret treasures, and women. Greedy and unrestrained."

"But even so, he was not corrupted by the bliss." Li Yelai frowned: "He is in the bliss faction, he must be a god's choice."

"Indeed, what does the bliss faction do?" Jing Lin also complained. Isn't this kind of psychic who is full of desire, pride and self-indulgence the favorite of the bliss faction?

"He has the blood of the Absolute Soul. He is not only resistant to psychic energy and curses, but also has a strong resistance to the power of chaos." Zhao Lin said: "Of course, he may have been corrupted, but no one has ever discovered it."

Li Yelai and Jing Lin looked at each other and felt difficult and troublesome at the same time.

This Ye Han is too difficult to kill!

Zhao Lin asked: "Sir Yejiang. Captain Doll, she should be very beautiful, right?"

Li Yelai nodded. The doll is indeed very beautiful. Even without makeup, she is still breathtakingly beautiful. Especially when she smiles, you can feel the purity and beauty in her heart.

"No wonder. As I said, Ye Han is extremely arrogant. He will do whatever it takes to get the person he likes.

After seeing the doll, he became particularly persistent. When he was with those women, he seemed to be fantasizing about something.

But he couldn't suppress the curse of the doll, but you could ignore the curse of the doll. So, he is quite hostile to you, although not obvious. But he thinks you have occupied his property."

"It's ridiculous. Dolls are not objects, but living people! And what does it have to do with him, Ye Han?" Li Yelai snorted coldly.

"That's right, can it be that every beautiful woman he sees must be his wife?" Jing Lin also laughed.

"Because he always gets what he wants, and those who want to stop him are either dead or injured. It seems that it is really destiny. When you think you are the protagonist of the world, you can probably understand his thoughts."

Zhao Lin said calmly, but subconsciously hugged his arm: "So, Mr. Yejiang, you must be careful. It's too dangerous to be envied by him. He has met many geniuses and strong people, but they didn't end well."

"And if you don't want your friend to have any accidents, then please kill him."

"But here comes the problem. According to what you said, unless we teleport to him and kill him now, his inspiration will turn danger into safety. Even if we send assassins, they will be discovered." Jing Lin frowned.

"Indeed, but this time it's different. His inspiration sensed that there was danger in the Shenzang Immortal Palace, but there were also extremely important opportunities.

And this time, he felt that the opportunity in the Immortal Palace was very important.

So, he must go to a palace in the Immortal Palace!

If you want to kill him, that would be the best opportunity.

Although his inspiration is extremely sharp, it can't let him know the specific source of danger.

Therefore, this can be used to mislead his inspiration. Even if he feels danger in the Immortal Palace, he will rush over.

This is the only chance to kill him!"

Wait for him in a place where inspiration can sense danger? That's indeed a good idea.

Li Yelai and Jing Lin nodded silently, understanding Zhao Lin's idea.

"Then" Jing Lin said: "Miss Zhao Lin, you come to help us, do you have any request?"

"Yes. I want Ye Han's God and Demon Tablet, which is his trump card to suppress the curse!" Zhao Lin said.

As long as the God and Demon Tablet is owned.

No, even if it is not owned. As long as the person who owns the God and Demon Tablet is not Ye Han.

Not the Ye Han who threatened himself with his brother's curse!

That's enough!

After that, Zhao Lin exchanged contact information with the two and quickly left the safe house.

She didn't want to arouse Ye Han's suspicion.

In the villa, Li Yelai and Jing Lin discussed.

"Can you trust her?" Li Yelai asked: "Did your Sky Eye see any flaws?"

"It's hard to say. But she did not show any lies, it is very likely true." Jing Lin fiddled with his bangs, revealing the golden rune between his eyebrows.

As soon as he came into contact with Zhao Lin, he opened the Sky Eye and obtained a lot of data from Zhao Lin.

Of course, this was not to take advantage of her. It was to observe whether she was lying. Both suspected that this was a decoy deliberately released by Ye Han.

But fortunately, Jing Lin did not see anything unusual.

It didn't seem like he was lying. Of course, if Zhao Lin was an acting expert, it would be another story.

"If it's true, it's indeed feasible." Li Ye said, "But we still have to enter the Immortal Palace first."

"This Ye Han is really hard to kill." (End of this chapter)

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