Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 352: Hug

After proving their identities and clearing up the misunderstanding, the two angry psychics stopped and sincerely apologized to the Little Mad King.

It is extremely offensive to think of an official captain as a Chaos follower and launch an attack. Not to mention, because of their actions, a dangerous person was let go.

The little mad king didn't care about the misunderstanding between the two. She was already used to this kind of suspicion.

It's just that in the previous environment, her curse was particularly powerful.

What made her feel regretful was that she could not kill Ye Han.

There is a palace in the strange terrain lined with stone pillars. Each stone pillar can reflect the fluctuations of spiritual energy. It is a real maze array.

The six-sense psychic who was used by Ye Han was furious. I tried to enter it, but almost got lost in it.

Judging from the information Xiao Kuang Wang obtained from Li Yelai, Ye Han would be extremely dangerous in this kind of terrain. His strong luck and inspiration would allow him to easily crack the maze. It can even raid outsiders.

If you enter it rashly, let alone capture Ye Han, you will most likely be counterattacked. That can be said to be Ye Han’s home court.

"What a pity." The Little Mad King looked at the stone pillar forest below on the hillside: "With his ability, hiding in the dark will be a huge risk."

Curse strengthening will have a strong effect on most psykers. The two six-sense psykers who besieged Ye Han before were basically killed by their own curses. Unable to exert their powerful fighting power, they died of frustration.

This kind of person hides in the dark and is a potential danger to most psykers. You don't even need to show up. Within a certain range, just a curse can invisibly kill some psychics.

From this perspective, he is almost the natural enemy of the psykers.

The doll is holding a billboard [Don’t worry, there will still be opportunities ψ(*`ー)ψ]

The little mad king glanced at the doll and nodded silently.

But in fact, Xiao Kuang Wang had noticed before that when he was fighting Ye Han, the doll had a very strange aura.

This made the little mad king quite concerned. In her opinion, the doll's character was still very simple. Although she occasionally had some small thoughts, she was ultimately a gentle girl.

When attacking Ye Han, she seemed to have changed into a different person. The little mad king couldn't tell the details of that change, but at that moment, the person who controlled the power of heaven and earth was definitely not the gentle girl she is now.

‘We still have to discuss this matter with our teammates. ’ The little mad king thought to himself.

Although Ye Han failed to be killed this time, everything about Ye Han's disguise was completely exposed. His dangerous abilities and anthropomorphic character have been exposed.

Use the curse to strengthen, kill people and seize treasures, and when they are discovered, they start to kill people and silence them. Even thought about it.

As more and more human teams came to the Divine Treasure House, the news gradually became known to various families.

Ye Han's originally good reputation was shattered.

Some families who were friendly with him were too embarrassed to speak out and silently drew a line between them.

Some families suddenly understood why some talented families capsized in the hands of weak enemies.

That's it, that's it! Ye Han, you beast!

Some of the victims' families were furious, and even the Ye family members in the team were ostracized. Even if those Ye family members tried their best to explain that Ye Han had left the family, they could not calm the anger of various families and the giant city.

At the same time, the human team gathered here also began to attack the divine treasure house in an orderly manner.

Two days later, Li Yelai led his team dozens of kilometers closer to the Divine Treasure House. From a distance, I could see the light shining high in the sky.

A sun seemed to rise in the valley, and then exploded.

"That's..." Li Yelai, who was sitting on the back of Lao Ma No. 5, narrowed his eyes and said: "The mythical mimicry of Captain Lieyang, the Lieyang Golden Crow. It seems that she has also arrived at the treasure house and is conducting a strategy."

"We've finally arrived." Gu Yue, who was sitting aside, said, "Three days, a full three days of walking! We've finally arrived."

"Hey, human." The tiger clone grinned: "Don't stand and talk without hurting your back, I'm the one pulling the cart!"

Gu Yue smiled: "Thank you, I'm sitting down."

"Don't stop me, General Ye. I want to fight her in a duel!" Tiger clone gritted his teeth.

Li Yelai sighed: "Be quiet, be quiet, you have eaten so much, just think you are losing weight."

Li Yelai's team was quite large, and on the way to the treasure house, they met and merged with several human teams. The number of people reached more than five hundred.

But with more people, traveling across mountains and rivers becomes more strenuous.

Psykers can walk in the air and cross mountains and rivers, but the border guards, field soldiers and logistics engineers in the team do not have this ability.

Even if there are tanks or other vehicles. Fuel consumption and size are also issues.

In order to increase the movement speed, the psychics thought of a way to make the tiger clone curse.

That is, let supernatural beings pull the cart. Two extraordinary creatures with six senses can completely carry a vehicle and run.

As a result, the clones of Yaoyao and Tiger became tools for pulling carts. Only in this way can we reach the vicinity within three days, otherwise it will take several days. There are no roads in Asgard.

"If there hadn't been a flood when we passed through the desert, we might have been faster." The psychic said.

"There is really no common sense." The psychic gritted his teeth: "The team was almost washed away!"

"It was really too hot at the time, and someone in the team was thirsty. Otherwise, I wouldn't have traded the dragon's roar for the weather." The psychic explained awkwardly. Some psykers can change the weather, which backfires in the desert.

Listening to the complaints of the psychics, Li Yelai also sighed.

This was his first time commanding troops to march, so he was indeed inexperienced, and there were indeed some troubles on the road. Fortunately, there are comrades to help. At least we arrived nearby, and we would soon meet up with the main force.

"I was in a hurry to command five hundred men. How did that guy Mo He command hundreds of thousands of troops without making any mistakes?" Li Yelai complained.

In the team, several rangers were whispering.

They were all summoned by the wilderness rangers in the team along the way. As lone rangers, it was rare for them to get together at this moment.

"The night general's strength is quite good. I'm afraid he is really invincible under six levels of consciousness. I can't guarantee whether it can be replaced with one after six levels of consciousness. But I should be able to replace most of them." A ranger commented: "After all, he is the champion. Agent."

"Indeed, and even though they knew we were rangers, they didn't give us any special treatment. They quite believed in us," said another ranger.

"Strength is the confidence. He has the confidence to suppress us violently when we are in turmoil." An old ranger said: "Of course, the official has no ill intentions towards us."

"Be careful, everyone." At this time, a young girl said: "This Night General, I don't feel very good."

She has a slender figure, wears a smart outfit, and has a ponytail. She can faintly see green flames flashing in her eyes.

"Oh? What could be wrong?" Zhang Zhong asked. He and Li Yelai had a good chat.

"My blessings were shaken when I saw him," the girl responded.

"Under what circumstances will there be turmoil?" Zhang Zhong and others asked with slightly changed expressions.

"Either he is the divine choice of the same master as me, or he is a dangerous enemy!" the girl responded faintly.

"The enemy. He is the champion agent, and may even be the next generation champion." A ranger frowned.

"I know, so I just want you to be wary." The girl responded: "I prefer to believe that it is my illusion."

The rangers nodded slightly and took notes in their minds.

And on a mountaintop in the distance, someone silently pushed up his glasses and chuckled.

"Chosen by the Two Gods, Chosen by the Green Flame. Oh, the great master of deceit. You have to watch such a big show. I will turn into your eyes and bear witness for you."

"However, before that, I have to take a look at Immortal Lord Changle. He is so in line with our teachings!"

On the other side, as Li Yelai's team approached, the human team originally stationed near the treasure house of the gods had naturally discovered it.

Dang even sent a team to respond.

Li Yelai looked at the broken mountains and couldn't help complaining: "The mountains here are so ugly, they look like they have been gnawed by dogs."

This is true. The nearby mountains were severely damaged. Several mountains were reduced to scorched earth. There was even some force that cut off the mountains. The mountains, which were originally full of fairy spirit, were in a mess.

Li Yelai and others saw it from a distance.

The human team that came to respond was Ye Bushou from Border City No. 1. Hearing this, he said: "Two days ago, a war broke out here. Ye Han killed people to seize treasures, and was discovered by the Mo family. They launched a siege on him."

"Oh? Ye Han?" Li Yelai was startled, and then said: "Did it succeed?"

"It failed. Ye Han used the curse to strengthen him and killed the strong man invited by the Mo family. Major General Mo He almost died in his hands. He even wanted to kill and silence him!" said Ye Bushou.

"What a pity, didn't you kill him?" Li Yelai's heart sank.

"Captain Doll and Captain Little Crazy King arrived in time and repelled Ye Han. But unfortunately, the pursuit failed and he escaped." Ye Bushou pointed to the mountains in the distance: "These are the dolls Caused by the captain’s attack.”

"Doll." Li Yelai paused, and then his tone changed: "I say, it is indeed a doll. It has made this mountain range so beautiful."

The nearby psykers were stunned. Your last sentence was still like a dog chewing it, but now it has a sense of beauty?

"Why are you so arrogant in front of you and respectful in the back?" Zhang Zhong asked with a strange look on his face.

"The doll is my partner." Li Yelai said calmly.

"Oh~~~That's indeed a very beautiful fight." Zhang Zhong's mouth twitched.

Soon, with the help of the response team, Li Yelai and his party arrived at the temporary base.

Among the human team that came first to join up was a civil engineering boss. Manipulating psychic energy, he quickly built a fortress far away from the Immortal Palace. They even dug through the mountain, connected the stream, and created a relatively rough waterway system. It was really difficult for them.

Later, Li Yelai also learned that there were more than 8,000 people in this base. There are eighteen Liujue, eleven of whom are official captains, and together with Li Yelai, there are twelve captains.

At this moment, human warriors are lining up outside the distant divine treasure house, attacking the barrier and obtaining rewards.

It is said that there are already official captains who have received inheritance from it. Although the requirements are high and there are not many psychics who meet the requirements, they can be regarded as adding to the giant city. That's good news.

Just as Li Yelai expected, the Shenzang Immortal Palace was too in line with the official giant city. There is almost no danger and there is no limit on the number of people allowed. If more than 8,000 people fight, even if the reward is not much, it will still be a huge number.

After Li Yelai entered the base, he disbanded the team. Let them rest individually. I went to find my colleagues.

However, after taking a few steps, Li Yelai saw a figure ejecting from a distance and landed in front of him in an instant.

The doll still wears a winged helmet, but the clothes on its body have been changed. It seems that it borrowed clothes from a certain woman who stayed overnight, but still no trace of skin is exposed.

But even so, Li Yelai could feel her joy.

[Miss you(﹏)]

The next second, ‘bang’

There was a crisp sound, and the doll's winged helmet hit Li Yelai's dropped visor.

His hands were wrapped around Li Yelai's body, trying to caress his back. But because Li Yelai was wearing armor, she could only touch the hard scales.

Li Yelai chuckled, the well of soul shook, and the armor on his body was put into the well of soul, revealing the thin short sleeves underneath.

The separation during this period made Dodo particularly worried. She knew very well Li Yelai's luck.

If it is randomly teleported, it may appear in some dead place. There may be first sight kills in some places.

Therefore, she wanted to be teleported together with Li Yelai. But Li Yelai let go of his hand in order not to drag her down.

‘Next time, don’t leave me behind. ’ The girl’s muffled voice came from the helmet.

"Yeah." Li Yelai responded insincerely.

Then, the doll let go of its arms, and she felt a little embarrassed when she felt the gazes around her.

He took Li Yelai's arm and quickly walked to the room in the base.

"Are you injured?" Li Yelai asked.

[No o(^`)o]

[But Xiao Jiang Ling was injured due to misunderstanding (;д`)ゞ]

[Fortunately it’s not too serious (╥╯^╰╥)]

As the two entered a certain slate room, the doll locked the door and took off his helmet. The soft black hair is hanging down, and the sweat on his forehead is stained with a few hair strands, but it is still difficult to hide his charming charm.

With no outsiders around, the shy doll became brave and stepped forward to hug Li Yelai hard. She stood on tiptoes and kissed Li Yelai's cheek with her cherry-colored lips.

Feeling the softness in his arms and the touch on his face, Li Yelai said, "I'm still sweating."

"It's okay, let me hug you again." The doll whispered: "I miss you so much."

The emotion in her eyes is fascinating, and her gentle breathing stirs up her heartbeat.

Li Ye came but didn't dare to hug her for too long. The last time they were close was in the Hong family's villa.

Now, if they continue to let the doll carry them, the two of them may not be able to go out until tomorrow. (End of chapter)

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